Friday, October 9, 2015

Driving Around the Shitty Thoughts

So, two college shootings today already. Maybe as we plan for Henry's college, we should boycott those schools that are in states with loose gun restrictions? I read somewhere that a group in Australia was calling for a boycott of tourists to the United States because of our embarrassing servitude to the NRA. Was that real news or something from The Onion?

Of course, I'm under no delusion that it makes much of a difference but it'd be good for the spirit to align oneself with people whose moral choices are similar, who wish the NRA would dry up or all its members come to their senses, buy a nice bit of land in some godforsaken part of a godforsaken state (Texas, maybe?) and set up all the shooting targets and End of Days scenario sets they please. They could start a Re-enactment sort of club like the Renaissance Fair and hunker down in their homes with their guns, waiting for invaders so they can practice protecting their kids. They could even set up camps with fake schools and teachers and principals, have a lockdown and re-enact those drills I've been reading about where kindergartners have to be really, really quiet and pile into their cubbyholes during lockdown drills.

I said on Facebook that from now on I'm going to get all my news from The Onion because it makes me feel sane. Here's what I read today that cracked me up. 


  1. What is there to say? We're insane. Completely. I read an interview with Keith Richards today and he was talking about how young America is and how we're still trying to figure it out. The house he owns in England was built in the 1400's which does lend a bit of perspective to a society and country which we just don't have. We are still stupid ass teenagers with way too much strength and power and not nearly enough brains or decency. Well. That's what I think.

  2. My entire being has centered around the fact that I have been asked to write a proposal for doing marketing research on clitoral stimulators. Me. My thoughts have been of hilarity. Not meaning to change the subject or anything.

  3. I went to look at your Onion video.... 30 minutes later I am back after having been sucked in by an endless stream of videos.

  4. It's a sad fact that I barely winced when I glanced at the headlines today about two more shootings. And even sadder that the folks in Oregon don't even want the president to visit them and talk about trying to prevent these murders. I feel like a sitting duck much of the time, in traffic when someone is trying to whip around my barely-above-the speed-limit moving wheelchair van, or when I'm in a theater, or when I'm walking down the street. I can't imagine owning or handling a gun. No thanks.

  5. Like you, I can't tell the difference between The Onion and real news anymore.

  6. Texas would seem the appropriate place for an NRAland. I'm behind your proposal. In the meantime, I'm off to check out the Onion.


  7. I am sad that I'm in that predictable stage of weariness that always comes after a mass shooting. I've shared my thoughts on my blog, shared others' posts on Facebook and Twitter, commented on several sites, and had heated conversations with friends and acquaintances. I've listened to my kids, pontificated to them on occasion, flinched at the daily notices of accidental shootings of toddlers on my social media stream, and finally shut everything down because I think people know how I feel and I'm not sure there's more I can do right now. Obama was in town yesterday and said some more remarkable things that moved people and I just have to trust that the moving is happening in a direction that is sane and compassionate. We have American friends visiting from their temporary home in Oxford, England and they attest to the fact that everyone around them - local Brits, expat college students and all - think that Americans are insane with Donald Trump and the NRA and police brutality abounding. They are thrilled with the availability of half and half and the vast array of beautiful produce available in the states, but they aren't sure they'll be moving back here anytime soon. I can't say I blame them.

  8. my eldest dreams of winning a scholarship from some US college - an idea that I find frightening for many a reason, including the one you mention. some nights, when i'm awakened by nightmares of college shootings, i think of mafia, and of the many, many foreigners who tell me are scared to travel to Italy because of it. then I laugh at those foreigners, and try to equally laugh off my fear of college shootings - it never helps to go back to sleep peacefully.
