Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Time Spent

What a weird day.

Everything feels all wrong.

We didn't even bat an eye this morning when the robo calls came in. No school due to bomb threats. You've already heard it all. Credible threats and the incredible. Hoaxes. People solving all the world's problems on Facebook. De Blasio and Bratton -- I say screw them and their blandishments. Screw those who think we're at war, too.

How could Christmas be ten days away and not a single present under our tree?

I'm watching the second season of Transparent. Jeffrey Tambor's Maura face breaks my heart. The show depresses me. The Cherry Jones character.

I keep forgetting to rip the pages off my day calendar.

We're all waiting for something.


  1. Waiting. No presents under the tree here either. In fact, no tree yet. Just grand plans for one that I allow to whiz around my head without landing.

  2. And New Yorkers are so fucking blasé.

  3. One of my coworkers told me that when she was in high school and they wanted time off, her cousin would pull the fire alarm.

    I hope things are better today. I hate that feeling of waiting for the other shoe to drop. Sending hugs.

  4. Don't wait. Just roll with it. And I agree about NY. If anything had happened, those same blasé officials would have been skewered, and rightfully so. If that threat was testing responses or reactions, LA is way ahead. Did my man Oliver get a day off too?

  5. It must have been a very surreal day. No tree here either!

  6. Off kilter. Axis skewed. As if the earth had suddenly decided to change its rotation the tiniest bit without notification.
    The weather, the politics (remember when we thought Sarah Palin was crazy as crazy could get?), the response to shootings- more guns! the bold-faced racism... all of it. It boggles me. What to do? Take care of our own little parts of the world as best we can? Lord, honey. I don't know. If anxiety can be described as waiting for the other shoe to drop constantly and without ceasing, the whole country is suffering from it. And the depression which accompanies it. In short- we suffer from a mental illness which has overtaken all.

  7. I find myself googling which country has the least hate. The least violence. How to build love and community with those of different faiths and races. We are mired in some serious muck.
    I wish you and your family peace and comfort.

    1. I, too, am balancing this craziness with articles on love and community. It's something positive and life-affirming. I love the Christians who surround the Muslims so they could pray unmolested, and vise versa.

  8. I guess I'm waiting for some peace of mind and hoping the next disaster is far far away in time. As for Christmas, no presents, no tree yet, but guessing we'll pull it all together in time to fa-la-la. You will too. 🎁🎄

  9. I like Sally's idea of just rolling with it. Not easy. But sometimes all we can do. Yesterday was crazy for sure. You know Taylor is a special ed teacher with LAUSD. The entire district, not just what happened yesterday, is so, well, let's say, screwed up.

  10. Likely would not be any school in NY if closed for each threat. They get a lot. Son works in NYC school, one of the most challenged ones. I don't think NYC made the wrong decision but Bratton is a jerk to make remarks about another area's decision. With San Bernardino so recent and near, I don't think any other decision would have made sense. When the district gets a number more such threats, they will have to start getting selective of what to ignore, or there will be little school.

  11. I'm so sorry this threat happened. It is craziness.
    Our tree is up with just the lights - no ornaments yet, no decor in the house - and we're hosting Christmas supper! Must get cracking here, but painting has such a pull...xoxo

  12. I know this isn't the point, but I love your little tiny globe worlds so much.

  13. I was in Yosemite when this was going on, so only heard snippets of news from other people. Very surreal and your family was on my mind. Better to be safe than sorry, and hey, LA kids don't get snow days, so what the heck. Hope the asshats don't keep doing this.

  14. There is not a single present under my tree, either. It's practically a Christmas miracle that it's up at all (and it's so tiny it might as well not be.) I've been sick and watching Transparent. I'm a few episodes into season 2 and finding it a bit heartbreaking, too. As well as bomb threats, school shootings, the real and the unreal all mixed up together. Yet your photo here possesses such a gentle light, as if it's radiating from within the glass globes, as if it's somehow doing battle with the shadows, and winning.

  15. There was a bomb threat every day this week at our 2 high school campuses. It was ridiculous. And then at the store I overheard a ridiculous conversation about fingerprinting, DNA testing, and iris scanning all immigrants. The person spieling was advocating for all of the above as well as concealed weapons permits for use everywhere and anywhere possible. At my house we keep forgetting to open the windows of our advent calendar - but it's our own kind of ridiculous - we're just not that into it.
