Sunday, January 17, 2016

Lacrosse and Weekend Recap

Henry and I left Friday afternoon for Palm Springs where he played about seven thousand games of lacrosse while I watched.

Here are a couple of good action shots. Henry is the one on the far left at the edge of the photo, number 15.

Here's another one:

Here's me, watching the field. I have a really shitty sports-mom chair that is sort of broken, and because it was Palm Springs, and the sun was shining mercilessly at times, I rigged my sweater as a sun shield and hid out.

Normally, I wouldn't post such an alarmingly close photo of myself, but I sort of like the weirdness of the colors -- my upper lip has entirely disappeared into what appears to be lily-white skin (that I've never had), there's an enormous line running down the center of my forehead (that I've had for a short time, but it appears to have lengthened and deepened), and some horrifying crepey substance below my neck which I swear to you is NOT my skin. All moles (beauty marks) and errant eyebrow hairs are original. Posting this here is a rather vain attempt to purge myself of vanity. Humor me.

I also got to do my favorite thing which is to sleep in a hotel bed made up with white linens. I threw myself down onto this bed on both nights we stayed in the hotel, eventually making my way under the duvet with my little chapter of War and Peace (yes, I'm still going strong with a chapter a day, are you?) and then a few pages of Magda Szabo's The Door (my Books & Bakes selection for January) before literally crashing around 9:15. Henry, I believe, watched television from his own bed and claimed that I snored. Good thing he's so handsome. Here he is taping his lacrosse stick.

Here's a photo that I took at sunrise from the balcony of our hotel room, where I most certainly did not snore:

In all seriousness, being the parent to a teenaged boy is really the best, especially when your son is nearly always charming and patient, drives well on southern California freeways and never complains. All of the superlatives more than make up for having to charade as a sports mom which means yelling out every now and then in excitement, wincing when said teenager goes sprawling into the ground, tolerating the Screaming Dads and every now and then throwing in a comment or observation about the game which appears out of my mouth like a sort of cartoon bubble. Since I barely know any of the other parents on the team (there are actually some really great ones this time around), I imagine they think I know what I'm talking about, but I can assure you, Reader, I absolutely do not know what I'm talking about when I talk about lacrosse.

What happened up there is that Henry came running toward me -- I mean, the player with the ball -- and I was able to take that amazing action shot. Two seconds later, he lay sprawled on the ground, and good lacrosse mom that I am, I barely winced and certainly didn't gasp and might have even yelled at the ref, but I can't remember.

Did I say anything about living in southern California and how fantastic it is? This venue was just a two hour drive from us -- desert and blue skies and snow-capped mountains ringing the fields. Whoa. Right?


  1. Well, if you have to suffer being a sports mom on behalf of your talented son, then Palm Springs is certainly the place to do it -- it looks beautiful! Besides, I bet you know more about lacrosse by now than you're letting on. :)

  2. I love that second last photo with the white tents in the background. Sounds like you both had a good time and the weather looks wonderful. We're having a cold snap here, first of the winter which is unusual. It was bloody cold yesterday.

    I remember watching my son play basketball. I'm not a sports person but I love watching him play.

  3. Beautiful pictures. Especially the one of you.
    You're gorgeous.
    And so is Henry but that goes without saying.

  4. Makes me miss the time I spent in Palm Desert. Henry is a wonder. So are you.

  5. I've been to Palm Springs. Damn, it's hot there but achingly beautiful. As are you, crepey skin and all. It's humbling to catch a glimpse of yourself with bags, wrinkles and weird pouches. Oh, and skin tags-whatever the hell THOSE are for.

    My new GF has the most beautiful smooth skin. It's disheartening but she likes to touch me anyway.

    As my mother used to say-I look pretty good with my clothes on.

    XX Beth

  6. I've been to Palm Springs. Damn, it's hot there but achingly beautiful. As are you, crepey skin and all. It's humbling to catch a glimpse of yourself with bags, wrinkles and weird pouches. Oh, and skin tags-whatever the hell THOSE are for.

    My new GF has the most beautiful smooth skin. It's disheartening but she likes to touch me anyway.

    As my mother used to say-I look pretty good with my clothes on.

    XX Beth

  7. When you said Palm Springs I thought you meant the one in Florida and I was wondering if you met Ms. Moon!

    I envy you that sky. Mine is gray and heavy.

  8. I love that you and Henry got to road-trip together and that you got to sleep in a bed that someone else made up for you. Happy day.

  9. That son of yours is incredibly handsome. That he's good natured as well is lovely.
