Friday, April 22, 2016

How We Do It, Part LIX in a series

We live on a markedly diverse street with people of all races, nationalities, religious and sexual identities. African American, Caucasian, Korean, Philippino, Chinese, Orthodox Jew, mixed race, mermaid. Until this morning I have wondered whether we ever really see one another.

"I admire your courage, dedication and great love, " my neighbor said as I walked across the lawn, lifted Sophie into the car and twisted my head toward him to avoid her head banging mine. I had already loaded the wheelchair, bashed my head once. My tail of years glinted in the sun blue green. Swish.

The sea. To see.

He was in his pajama pants, an older African-American man walking his very old and very slow dog. He has chastised me in the past for not keeping my own on a leash. I see him daily. 

"Thank you, " I said.

That's really all it takes, good people, to see us through.


  1. I was drilled to my seat at my sister's college graduation while I was feeding a 3 year old Max in my arms still like a baby. This was back when the only way he would eat was to get little drops from a special bottle pouring into his mouth. The older man was staring at us the whole time and it was annoying me. He came over finally and with tears in his eyes said the love you show for your son is inspiring. He's lucky to have you, and I think you're lucky to have him. Then walked away. Such a bit of kindness goes such a long way.

  2. Lola has a phrase for times like that. She says, "I love people. People rock." (She also says it when she spies someone standing at a bus stop with a crazy unique outfit on, or rocking out in their car or picking up random trash on the street and putting it in the garbage can.) Isn't it the greatest when someone acknowledges you for doing the things you just always do? Love.

  3. I admire that too, Elizabeth. Enormously.

  4. That's beautiful. I try to do things like that myself and this is a reminder to continue and do more. We all have so much in common.

  5. It's amazing how beautiful people can be when we really see them and they us.

  6. Angel people, walking among us. Or maybe only angels for a moment or so.
    That's all it takes.
    Love you dearly.

  7. More kindness. More love. It is so simple and yet it eludes me most days. Thank you to this man and blessings on him for not only his words to you but the reminder to me.

  8. I am glad that the man was able to express how your patient and loving service has not gone unnoticed. I am so glad that moment helped see you through. Love.

  9. Thinking about you, my friend.

  10. "So shines a good deed in a weary world..." - glad he took a moment to say that you and Sophie were seen.

  11. What a great moment. A kind word can mean so much.

  12. I just love everything about Sophie's outfit. I can't help but love embroidered denim and her shoes. Her shoes!!! So Cal Princess shoes. I still have my original pair from high school. I see you both.

  13. I was also struck by Sophie's gorgeous embroidered jeans. It's so important for us to dress our children impressively; I see too many whose parents obviously figure children with disabilities don't need to look attractive.
    And what a gift that was for you to be praised by a neighbor. I can't recall that ever happening. I do vividly recall shlepping C. up and down the 3 flights of outdoor steps leading to our apartment for many years. Very rarely did I score an offer of help. One neighbor, an ex-boxer, once stood leaning on his front porch railing while I passed walked him with C. and ascended those 24 steps. He didn't bat an eyelid. (These days the Hubby usually does the shlepping.)

  14. I love this. I too admire your courage, dedication and great love.

  15. Amen to that. (Also I love Sophie's jeans. I had a pair almost exactly like them when I was her age.)
