Thursday, October 6, 2016

Fetal Position Requests

My favorite Bitmojii currently

Which do you want? Bad news or good news?

The bad news is that I'm not going to Italy on Saturday with my father and sisters and cousin.

The other bad news is that I'm going to take Sophie into the hospital now to see what the hey is going on with her. She's declined quite a bit, and we're going to do an overnight video EEG. I'm concerned she might have developed ESES (electrical status epilepticus in slow wave sleep) which she's had twice before. I only list this second because it helps to soften the blow. We do what we do to cope. That's how we do it.

The good news is that they have a bed at the hospital, the nurses so far have been really great (one acknowledged that since I've been doing this for two decades, I must be really on top of things), and I'm actually feeling relieved that decisions have been made and we're moving forward.

Do what you do as far as sending good vibes Sophie's way. The whole prayer thing eludes me, but I welcome them, along with light, love, strength, courage, peace and, of course, leftist politics.

Sophie's struggling, and she's still the light of my life.

All will be well
All will be well
All manner of things shall be well.


  1. Sending you and Sophie that which is most necessary....

  2. Love your way, Elizabeth. For Sophie and you.

  3. Love and good thoughts going out for you all.

  4. You are doing the right thing. We're all riding shotgun.

  5. Sending you all things good. xo

  6. "This little light of mine,
    I'm gonna let in shine,
    This little light of mine."

    All good wishes for your Sophie, and you. xo

  7. I'm sending you all of the above, and more.

  8. Sending love Elizabeth. Holding you and your family in the light. Keep taking one deep breath at a time. I am so sorry Sophie is going through this, and I am so very sorry about your trip.

  9. Thinking of you all. I'm so sorry she's having such trouble, and so sorry your trip was canceled. I hope you are able to get to the bottom of what is going on and she gets relief soon. <3

  10. I'm sending you all that you want most. I get confused about the words but I hope you know it all comes from the same well intentioned place. Love and light and healing for Sophie. I'm sorry about your trip.🙏

  11. Dear Elizabeth, sending love and prayers to you and Sophie.

  12. sad that you won't be in Italy... sad to hear that Sophie has declined... sending all the positive thoughts/prayers/vibes to you all

  13. Sending you mad cray cray love. Wish I could be with you. I'm really good in hospitals. Praying for your medical team to help Sophie and be there for you in every way. I'm in NYC till the 13th.

  14. Sending love, dear Elizabeth.

  15. Oh Elizabeth - Light and love to you and Sophie

  16. I'm doing what I do to send good vibes/healing thoughts to Sophie. Hoping for some good answers. Here they come!!


  17. Nothing less than the very best to you and Sophie! Sending lots of positive thoughts your way. I hope you'll get to go on that trip some other time. Take care, and thank you for writing.

  18. You and Sophie are both in my thoughts.

  19. First phrase coming to mind, "blanketing with goodness." The very best of love and thoughts, tough and positive, to you and Sophie. May you be blanketed with goodness. xo

  20. I am holding thoughts of you both, tucked into my sleeve. We wait, with you; hope with you; wrap you in our love.

  21. I'm so sorry Sophie is not doing well. I pray you get answers. Holding you both in my thoughts.

  22. I'm sending loving thoughts your way!
    Jim Walsh

  23. Sending thoughts of love and peace to you both.

  24. Sending thoughts of love and peace to you both.

  25. Love to you both. I'm so sorry about the timing meaning you miss your holiday. xx

  26. Love to you and Sophie. I'll be seeing a good outcome and holding that firm. Prayers and prayers for both of you.

  27. We all care about Sophie and hope she will be alright. Sending prayers and good thoughts your way.

  28. I'm sorry Sophie's difficulties have continued. At least you're hopefully in the process of figuring things out. It must feel better to be DOING something, even if the illusion of some degree of control really is just that. I'm thinking about you both.

  29. Oh no. Sending you and Sophie all the good vibes and wishful thoughts I've got, that's as close to praying as I come. Also sending you my leftist love. xxoo

  30. I know keeping us on this blog informed is not your top priority right now, but we're all thinking of you all, and especially Sophie. I know you'll Do The Right Thing.

  31. love... much love (first time makin a comment here...) i love your writing.

  32. Elizabeth, I'm so sorry you're missing your trip. But that's the small story. The big story is Sophie. I'm sending an absolute ton of love to you both. Hang in.

  33. Lots of support and much love from across the Atlantic. Italy will be here when you are ready.

  34. Much metta and good wishes for healing, for Sophie, you and your family. May your wheel start turning to the light, it's about time!! - anon

  35. sending much love to you and Sophie. hugs.
