Tuesday, October 11, 2016

Hospital Thoughts - Day Six

Sophie at home in her lavender lair


We have left the hellspital where we were taken care of by a lovely team of doctors and nurses and nurse assistants and EEG technicians and birds and butterflies and dragons and tigers, oh my. Thank you Michael, for spending nights and mornings with our girl. I thank you out there in the internets for your words of support, your emails and texts. Thank you, Tanya and Chris and Greg and Lisa for visiting me and bringing me food. I would surely have gone completely bonkers without your company. Thank you Moye for your conversation and sense of humor.  You've been sustaining me for twenty-two years and my friend for over thirty-five. I love you. Thank you Cara for taking care of my boys. Thank you Brittany and Aaron and Kathryn and Ben for dropping off food and flowers. You brightened all of our days. And dare I say it? Thank you Drumpf for making even a hospital stay with giant IV doses of Vimpat, giant hives, giant doses of Onfi, and hospital-acquired urinary tract infections as well as hordes of Doctors Who Don't Know How To Help seem utterly benign in comparison to your grotesquerie.


  1. So glad that Sophie and you and back home.

  2. I am glad you and your mermaid are home. Home is such a nice word, isn't it?

  3. I am glad Sophie is home and hope she improves quickly. I hope you get some rest!💕

  4. Thank you for giving some "meaning" to Drumpf!! Welcome home Sophie!!


  5. Glad to see Trump is good for something:)

    Glad you guys are home.

  6. I am so glad to know that you are home and survived it all. Sophie looks like the queen of her lavender lair realm.

  7. There's no place like home. Happy to see you both there. May you both rest easier there. Sending love.

  8. I'm so happy you are both home now and very glad that you had good and loving support while you were there.
    An appropriate shirt - she is amazing!

  9. I hope the stay gave improvements to Sophie. Do let us know

  10. I only caught the tail end of this but am so relieved she's back home with you. xoxoxo

  11. I love that photo of Sophie looking so relaxed and content to be back home.

  12. glad you're home. hope that now she can get better.
