Thursday, January 12, 2017


on you for voting for Drumpf.

Shame on you for not voting at all.

Shame on you for supporting Republican policies.

Shame on you for reducing everything to economics.

Shame on you for your racism, misogyny, xenophobia, greed and ignorance.

Shame on you for being a climate change denier.

Shame on you for supporting a man who mocks the disabled.

Shame on you for supporting the sexual assault and degradation of women.

Shame on you for claiming that you're not a racist or a misogynist or xenophobic, greedy or ignorant. You have condoned all of the above with your vote and support.

Shame on you for claiming that you do not support the sexual assault and degradation of women. You have condoned all of the above with your vote and support.

Shame on you for denying what we can see with our eyes.

Shame on you for supporting those who, in the middle of the night, voted yes to repeal the Affordable Care Act.

Shame on you for undercutting those of us who have real issues at stake.

Shame on you who say get over it, don't get your panties in a wad, be patient and see what good will come.

Shame on you for not listening to those of us who deal with healthcare issues every single day, who've told you that this repeal will be harmful.

Shame on you for not realizing that even the thought and the build-up to the repeal of the Affordable Care Act is deeply damaging to the psyches of many people who've been through far more than you can imagine.

Shame on you for claiming to be Christian when literally everything that's going down is anathema to the teachings of Jesus Christ.

Shame on you for equivocating.

Shame on you for using false equivalencies when truth hits you in the face.

Shame on you for your lack of backbone.

Shame on you for your cynicism.

Shame on you for your patriotism.


  1. You are so right. I have done nothing but worry all morning since I read that first report of the middle of the night vote.

  2. You hit every one on the nose (interpret that however you want).

    If I had the $$$$ I'd make that a page in the The Wall Street Journal, The New York Times, and the New York Post. Grab them and shake them by the shoulders.

    1. Also, thank you for that third line because it is/was not just Republicans, many Democrats voted for him too so the shame should be spread all over out there.

  3. Yes. Yes. Yes. They are gutless.They will reap what they have sown. And perhaps they will not even notice, or think it is something else certainly they will think it is someone else's fault and not their own. I'm so sickened by them all.

  4. They don't care. They ROFL at all this anger and fist shaking. They've castrated the Democrats.

  5. I feel like I need to go scream this from a high balcony here in Houston tonight. Screaming it!

    Of course, Houston itself went for Hillary Clinton by about 12 points this past November. But I'm still in Texas.

  6. Seems like there isn't enough shame to go around, what with all the shameless carryings on by the Cheeto in Chief and his Gang of Repugnicons. So sorry for those on the frontlines of the healthcare wars, like yourself, Elizabeth. Sending you strength to keep moving forward. x0 N2

  7. and shame on the media, who drank the Koolaid early on and didn't report on the real stories, who didn't do their investigative JOB and expose this creep for what he is.

  8. Every so often, out of the blue, one of my boys will turn to me and say "sorry Trump won, mom" as if he was reading my mind. It's in my energy, this deep disappointment in those attempting to normalize all of the above. I appreciate your poem for lining it all up - when compiled the offense are undeniable and disgusting. The Rethuglican agenda is transparently self serving. I'm with Denise.

  9. I can't say it any better than you have so I won't even try.

  10. You want to make a difference? I suggest you register as a republican and find your congressman to lean on. The conservative blogs are pushing for no replace after the repeal. It can take a very long time to even think about replacing, coming up with any replacemebt and getting it through regardless what the big Liar says. It's not like he's going to do it and he is not supported by the GOP who are just using him to further their agendas as he is doing with them. Democratic Party is castrated. Ain't nothing gonna happen there. You want any change l, become a card carrying republican and start squeezing him for the replace and other things.

    1. Absolutely not. And I disagree that the Democratic Party has been castrated.

  11. Amen to everything you so eloquently wrote. Shame on them. I feel sick to my stomach. I can only imagine how you feel.

  12. Oh yes, the democrats are castrated all right. Watch all the motions made uselessly. ACA will be repealed along all sorts of other things happening before Trump even sets foot in office. Only cabinet member that can even be blocked gets free pass. Sessions now gonna be AG. Supreme Court seat along with another thousand judicial appointments going to be done lickety split. Old Ruth Bader better hang in there for another 8 years or more along with the other less than conservative justices cuz Trumps putting in young 'ins to last a long long time is what I hear Maybe Cruz.

    Only way to get through to the Congress is if they think your vote might matter. Even Cory Booker has to bow to Big Pharm cuz he's out on his backside if he doesn't. You gotta make sure they know you count for them. That's how Trump won the election focusing in on what counts the most . A strategy many are using. Only 4 states now with Democrats with governors AND a legislature to support. Yes, they are castrated

  13. Perfection in a picture and words, nicely done :o)

  14. And the lack of shame leaves us with an overwhelming grief. I was a kid when Dr King was killed, but I feel the same way. Like the world is beyond repair and it's up to children to have the answers.

  15. well, that's helpfull...
    shaming so many people won't really help to make things better, I think?
    I agree, times are dire. But shaming 'the other' can never be a solution to anything.

    1. Yes, shame on me. You've often been effective at that.

  16. I'm not shaming you. Why would I want to? I just think your post isn't very helpful. That's all. I know I seem to trigger you sometimes, but maybe that's not a bad thing?

    1. I was being facetious, dear Elsewhere. How I detest the word "trigger" and its contemporary connotation. I don't intend to be "helpful." I believe the actions of the Republucan party and all those who voted for Drumpf to be shameful. Feeling shame isn't always a bad thing. I am ashamed of our country. I also just finished an astounding article in the New Yorker, written by Rachel Aviv, about Albert Woodfox, a black man who was recently released from prison where he spent 41 years in solitary confinement. It puts things in perspective. Your idle comments on my equally idle blog post are not worthy of any emotion other than a faint irritability.

  17. Wow...
    Okay, my comments obviously aren't 'helpful'... Sorry.
