Saturday, April 8, 2017

Active Empathy and Some Prom Photos

Have I told ya'll about our Indivisible group called Active Empathy? Indivisible is the national group that is resisting Trump's agenda in a methodical way. Active Empathy is what our local group is called, and a small group of us, including the four gorgeous founders, meet weekly to plan the BIG meeting which happens to be this afternoon. It's our second one, and we hope to galvanize people to really participate in the resistance. If you're local, please come or stay involved by getting our weekly emails. We have a facebook page and a website that are works in progress.

Yours truly is heading up the Healthcare/Disability Rights working group. I'm using today's meeting to encourage people to be educated about healthcare law as it now exists, to know what Medicaid is, what block grants are, what single-payer insurance is, etc. etc. Education is everything, isn't it? It's everything, and we live under a regime that is not only ignorant but actively promotes ignorance. We're also, as working group heads, going to give our groups at least one ACTION item to complete this week. I know from the years of advocacy work that I did in disability and special needs healthcare, that doing one thing, however small, is essential and that this one thing should be done within days of getting all charged up and excited. One small thing.

So that's what's happening around these parts today.

On another note, I don't think I showed you these photos of my gorgeous son and his date from the prom last weekend. They appeared on Instagram and Facebook, but most of you who read the old blog are sane avoiders of social media, so here's my pride and joy, the light of my life, the little boy turned to man:


  1. That handsome fellow has his mother's eyes. Great looking prom couple.

  2. That last photo. Henry must keep it forever.

  3. First - your light has turned in to such a lovely young man. The goodness and intelligence just shine through those beautiful brown eyes. You're absolutely beaming Elizabeth, it's contagious!

    Second - Your commitment and enthusiasm and that of your group are a wake up call to get involved in a concrete way and I Love! the idea that you have to do one small thing within days of the meeting - great idea to continue the momentum. Gosh I wish I lived in LA, I'd be sittin' at that table for sure.

  4. Active Empathy is a great idea. Pick your passion because we can't do it all.

    Your son is looking so grown up. Did you cry? I did at both my kids proms.

  5. Our boys oh they break our hearts. Marvelous maddening creatures. Love.

  6. Your Handsome Son and his Date make a Beautiful couple! They grow up so quickly. Dawn... The Bohemian

  7. What a love; he looks like a young JFK Jr.

    And your group sounds wonderful; good ideas put into action.

  8. Lovely prom photos. Good luck with your group, too.

  9. What a beautiful boy! Sign me up for women's health please.

    Love and kisses,


  10. You son could not be any more handsome. I keep imagining him on the silver screen. He's so debonair. He and his date make a lovely couple. I love that last photo with you peeking over his shoulder. He's so cheerful and indulgent of his mama. Wonderful qualities in a young man!

  11. My hat's off to you on your advocacy work! And your son, well, isn't he just gorgeous? I love the pictures.
