Monday, May 15, 2017


I found this statement on social media and thought it interesting and important enough to put it up here.

I'd love for any of my conservative readers to respond. I know ya'll are out there. You can stay Anonymous, and I promise I won't argue with you. I'd just love to know what you really think or if you're thinking at all. Please answer the question and respond to what I've posted. I don't want to hear about what a crook Hillary is or was or what sorts of shenanigans Bill was accused of and for which he was impeached. I'm interested in your response to 45's shenanigans and gross misconduct. I want to know exactly what you want, how you believe and why you're supporting or refusing to acknowledge what's going on.

Civility is encouraged, although I don't censor language. Good people really do want to know why we find ourselves in this particularly weird reality.

Imagine this scenario:

Hillary Clinton is president. We learn that she has deep ties to Putin. She puts unqualified billionaires in cabinet posts. She puts her daughter Chelsea in a position of influence in the West Wing. Chelsea's husband is her chief advisor. She refuses to release any tax returns, she blocks access to the visitor logs in the White House, and Bill refuses to live in the White House so our tax dollars are spent keeping him safe in Chappaqua. Hillary spends almost every weekend lounging in a resort.
In an interview, she names the wrong country she bombed while bragging about the chocolate cake she was eating while she ordered said bombing. I could go on and on. The point is that the outrage, the outcries, the screaming by Republicans would be heard around the world and impeachment proceedings would already be underway.

By the way, this is not about political party affiliation at all.

Let's face it, if Hillary--or any woman candidate--had five children from three husbands she would never have survived the primary.

This is simply, #GOPocrisy.


  1. Yes, this flipping of the events is quite telling, isn't it? I consider myself a moderate conservative. At one time I was a Republican. I also used to identify, years ago, as a Christian evangelical. I voted for Hilary Clinton in the last election. I am horrified and disgusted by the actions of the Republican Party, especially in relation to the Trump presidency and all that has entailed so far. I am horrified that Christianity has been so twisted by political people and has become a byword for evil hearts and evil actions. I am still a person of faith. My faith instructs me to love good and hate evil. Therefore I will resist the evil that is being perpetrated in the name of good, by Trump and his cronies in the GOP. I am voting against every single Republican in the next election.

  2. I highly doubt anyone will be able to answer your question. It's called egg on your face.

  3. We have all fallen down the Rabbit Hole after this Crazy Election... as surreal as it all is, knowing it's happening in real time makes the level of insanity that some still back and try to justify all the more horrifying! I also highly doubt anyone will be answer your question... I mean, how could they? Without revealing their own level of instability. It's going to be a very long term we'll all have to endure since it doesn't seem likely anyone seems to be aggressively pursuing impeachment proceedings and for the life of me I can't fathom why? Dawn... The Bohemian

  4. What I'm more curious about...what keywords were used to find that creepy picture? :P

  5. no matter how hard I try I cannot wrap my head around this %&*# show. I really did think our govt would step up and care more about people than their party. Disappointment doesn't even come close to how I feel. Betrayed is closer. We have GOT to vote out EVERY SINGLE ONE OF THEM and EVERY one of us needs to get involved. This is what happens when we get complacent and think that others will take care of it. I feel partly to blame as I have not paid enough attention to our local elections or make my voice heard outside of voting. It's time for every one of us to step up. I also would really like to know how people who supported trump can continue to do so. Do they REALLY believe everything is a conspiracy? Do they REALLY believe it's all "fake news"? The ignorance and unwillingness to learn is truly shocking.

  6. Clinton was ravaged before she even ran as perceived as political threat to GOP. The Republicans have been running a horribly devious and sadly very effective smear campaign for a while b

  7. No rep is gonna own up NOW!!!!!!!! Pussies

  8. I don't mean to be cynical, but a huge part of the support for 45 is racially motivated. Simple as that.

  9. I'm curious what this 45 is about.

  10. I have a neighbor who said before the election that if Hillary gets in the country will go bankrupt. He was a supporter of Ben Carson. Then when he fell by the wayside, he switched over to Trump. He and his wife entertained us for dinner recently but we don't talk politics.

  11. What is it going to take for these people to stop defending him and see the reality of what's going on? It's maddening!

  12. I'm Canadian; does my reaction count? Because I'm just plain hornswoggled that anyone -- ANYONE -- would have supported that man from the get-go. When a Trump supporter speaks, there is a part of me that hears the words and feels I'm talking to someone who either isn't very smart or isn't very decent, or both. I know, I know -- my disrespectful attitude doesn't help anything -- but there it is. I don't point at the person and call them stupid, but they do seem to be so uneducated as to be dangerous, since they can vote. It seems that many people vote against their own best interests, and that's something I don't understand. -Kate

  13. Touche, Elizabeth. I'm laughing because you didn't get one Trump defender, unless one came through on email.

    Either they were cowards or you just don't know enough republicans....laughing again.

  14. I think 37P is correct -- so much of this is really about race and ethnicity and immigration. A lot of Americans are willing to turn a blind eye to virtually everything else if their racial and ethnic prejudices and xenophobia are excused and, indeed, indulged.
