Friday, June 16, 2017

A Reverie For Where I've Been

The Mermaid Pool where I swam laps
Victoria, British Columbia

The Poet and Me
photographer: Carl Jackson

My dear friend, the poet Heather McHugh, arranged for Carl and me to stay in Port Angeles, Washington and for a week in Victoria, British Columbia. I don't even know where to begin to describe the fun we had, the sights we saw, and the relaxation I felt over the past eight days. I was here four years ago for a respite week through Heather's Caregifted foundation, and I will say that it was, indeed, that week that literally propelled me toward Hedgebrook the following year, and then the enormous changes in my personal life over the last two and now, this.


There is just NO WAY I could have imagined re-visiting Victoria four years later in such happiness. There is NO WAY any of us know where our lives will lead us. I am convinced, again, that it's as important not to despair when things are shitty as it is to feel grateful when they're good. Nothing is permanent, ever.

I took a lot of photos on my iPhone as well as on the regular camera, and I can't wait to share the fancy ones with you because we went out whale watching one afternoon for more than 3 hours and saw/encountered a big pod of killer whales. That's a religious experience, to tell you the truth. Then again, riding ferries could also count for a religious experience, especially in the Pacific Northwest. We rode merry on the ferry from Bremerton to Victoria, from Sydney to San Juan Island and then back. It was windy and rainy sometimes and about a thousand shades of gray and blue otherwise sun-split skies and the air is filled with melancholy and peace and salt tang and sweetness. Being with The Bird Photographer for so many days was divine.

Jigsaw puzzles on the ferry to San Juan Island!

English Camp, the dreamiest of the dreamy places we visited
San Juan Island, Washington

No words necessary

Lying on my bed and gazing out to the ocean
English Camp
San Juan Island, Washington
The most astonishing color peonies I've ever seen
Butchart Gardens
Victoria, British Columbia

Butchart Gardens

English Camp
San Juan Island

A very windy whale watching trip/Religious Experience
My future home
Victoria, British Columbia

The Bird Photographer, doing his thing

I have oodles of pictures on my fancy camera, especially of killer whales, so as soon as I upload them to the computer, I will share them. Right now, I'm sitting in a tiny airport getting ready to board a seaplane which will take us back to the Seattle airport. I've never flown on a seaplane, but I'm about as relaxed as I've been in many years, so I think it'll be good, and if I crash into the Canadian ocean -- well -- there'd be worse ways to go.

About Canada: I'm sorry to leave. Every person we met was so kind and thoughtful. If politics came up, every person we spoke to was deeply sorry for the bullshit we face in these Disunited States. Every person expressed sympathy and agreed that 45 is horrible, that the changes wrought by him and the Republican congress are abysmal and not a little depressing. It was comforting to have these conversations, sort of the reverse of the gaslighting we've been subject to over the last few months.


How are ya'll? I've missed reading your blogs and getting your comments and will be back soon more regularly.

I miss you.


  1. Of all the beautiful pictures the most beautiful one is of you and Carl.
    And that's simply the truth.

  2. Orcas, my spirit animal. In spite of living in Alaska and looking for them, I've never seen any in the wild. Three hours would be bliss.
    Also, what Mrs. Moon said.

  3. Wow! It hardly seems possible that it's been 4 years since your last trip! I feel you and hear you when you say there was no way, then, to envision where your life would take you in a few years. Crazy good, yeah? I love these photos and look forward to the fancy ones as well. I was at B. Garedens last fall, and I LOVE that place! You look so happy, Elizabeth! I know you know how to soak it all up! Happy days!

  4. I'm loving every single thing about this post. Happy for you.

    1. I agree with Full Soul Ahead. I'm glorious in your glory.

  5. So happy to read this! You deserve happiness and respite. You were in my neck of the woods and made me appreciate it all over again.

  6. Wow! I'm terribly happy for you & kind of jealous ��. I also REALLY needed to read the words you have written here tonight....particularly the part about "4 years ago you never would have imagined you'd be as happy as you are now & that we never know". HOPE!!! Fantastic for you! ❤️❤️

  7. You look beautiful, everything in this post is so beautiful and full of freedom. So happy for your happy!
    And I've missed you, very much!!
    May joy be yours, forever and ever xo

  8. Love this post! Want more!!


  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. What a magnificent time away you've had, in such congenial company, in such a marvelous place. You're so right: 4 years ago, how could you have imagined all this, and yet it was already in motion. I'm so happy for you. Your life is opening wide. What joy. (And please forgive the deletion above. Autocorrect had a field day.)

  11. Love love love! Can't wait to hear all your tales. Xxoo

  12. Makes me smile to see people looking so happy!

  13. Wonderful post. Good for you, lady.

  14. I am so Happy for you having this Wonderful respite and Divine Experience in Canada! The photos, especially of you and the Joy radiating from you, are precious! Dawn... The Bohemian

  15. The photos are gorgeous! So glad you had this time. Well deserved!

  16. I love the picture of you and Carl together. Looks like a fabulous trip! I can't wait to see those whales!

  17. It looks and sounds like you had a lovely time. A boon for the soul.

  18. Wow the beauty of that area is like no other! You are stunning! I can't tell you how much this gives me hope that this kind of happiness is still possible.

  19. So there is a chance i can call you a fellow Canadian some day? (o: (It would be an honour)

  20. Isn't Butchart Garden the most amazing place? We went years ago and were just astounded by the whole thing. I am so happy that you are happy, and that you got some time away with the photographer.

  21. There aren't enough words to convey how happy I am for you. This is simply wonderful 💗
