Tuesday, October 17, 2017

REAL with Diane McDaniel

Passion is the bridge that takes you from pain to change
Frida Kahlo

Last week, I sat in Diane McDaniel's backyard studio and had a wonderful conversation for her really interesting podcast, REAL. I love that women everywhere are working and expressing themselves in novel ways, and I am honored to support those like Diane who are digging deep into life and helping to share stories.

Here's the link to the episode Elizabeth Aquino Who Am I Without All Of This  on a few different distributors. Listen to the other episodes as well because you'll find so much that is interesting, stimulating, alive and REAL.


  1. This is awesome you wise fierce woman!

  2. wonderful interview to listen to, Elizabeth. I love hearing about the big arc of your life, and Sophie and your sons. Much to say here, but the comments section cuts me off if I don't hurry it up! (????)

  3. Downloaded! Now I have something to listen to on my car tomorrow. :-)

  4. What a wonderful interview. Loved hearing some more of your story.

  5. Beautiful interview. Love hearing your voice.

  6. What a delight it was to listen to your REAL podcast. It felt almost as if you were visiting here in my living room. So much of what you said about Sophie and care-giving resonated deeply with me. And I just loved your Henry and the sippy cup anecdote, "Who lives like this?"
