Tuesday, July 31, 2018

A Sense of Humor

My Dad with Henry and my niece Mary
2006 and 2017
Humor keeps us sane. I’m in Hilton Head for the annual family “vacation.” It’s a whole lot of “fun” and a whole lot of family. Need I say more?

Speaking of humor, don’t forget to listen to this week’s episode of Who Lives Like This?! Jason and I have a great discussion with Sandra Stein about humor in caregiving — how to nurture it and how it can help in even the most challenging situations. Here’s the link


  1. My what a difference a mere Decade makes in how fast they grow up... but some things never change and that is the Sweetest thing.

  2. Love the re-make photo. Both kids just as cute when they were babies!

  3. Yes- those two pictures are EVERYTHING!
    I've listened to about half the podcast with Sandra. I went to bed last night thinking "M-I-C. K-E-Y. BUTTON!"

  4. Ah, family time. I head home to Virginia each year for the same--and, not the "blue" of Virginia. A sense of humor helps. Enjoy!


  5. LOVE this! It must be framed.

  6. I love the post and I loved, loved the podcast. You are a natural on the mike. :-)

    Greetings from London.

  7. Haven't had time to keep up with the podcasts until today when I listened to the one with Sandra Stein while working on my current mandala, which I haven't had time for either until today. Thank you so much for bringing my attention back to the podcasts and for the absolutely wonderful photos of Henry, Mary and your Dad. May sense of humor prevail!

    Now I'm going back to work on my mandala and listen to another "Who Lives Like This!?" podcast.

  8. i love that pair of photos. how perfect the replication of that moment is! your dad looks exactly the same.

  9. Great pair of photos!! Love that they are laughing BIG. Enjoy your time away!
