Tuesday, August 7, 2018

Hallelujah on Adult Day Programs That Come Through and Gratitude for Your Tax Dollars at Work

at the Hammer Museum, Los Angeles

I wasn't going to say anything until it was a done deal, but it's a done deal for the most part and Sophie has finally started her day program in Santa Monica.

This is big.

This is HUGE.

Sophie "graduated" from the LAUSD over a year and a half ago. She's been on a waiting list for years for this place, got a place and then we basically had to wait a million years for the right aide and the right paperwork and the right funding and you know the drill. Sophie has been at home with me and Saint Mirtha for all this time, and I can tell you that I'm a really boring mother at this point and an even more boring entertainer/cruise director/activities coordinator. I'm not lying. I am as burnt out as they come, and I'm making no apologies for that. Catholic girls have enough guilt flying around their parts to cover it, and while I've sworn off the Catholic church, I can't swear off the guilt. Saint Mirtha's got some chops in all those fields, but Sophie has basically been hanging around us or a bunch of toddlers and babies and nannies at the neighborhood park. Nothing wrong with that, actually, as Sophie is very interested in babies, and I've fantasized about her taking on a second job (when she gets off her Uber shift) as a baby whisperer.

But this day program is the bomb. It's community-based, so the young men and women go out everyday into the community and do stuff. If they're able, they work, go to the YMCA and work out or learn a trade. If they're like Sophie, they go to museums, the park, the beach, have music therapy, learn self-help skills, learn how to better communicate their needs and -- well -- make friendships and enjoy their lives.

on a Metro bus, on her way to the mall

The drive to the program is pretty brutal because I live in Los Angeles and the program is in Santa Monica. I'm talking about 9.8 miles but forty-five minutes on the highway, but I'm happy to drive to the proverbial Timbuktu if it means Sophie is happy and getting what she needs to lead a good, dignified life of value.

I found out today that she has several classmates from her PRESCHOOL in an LAUSD program at UCLA. That was back in the last century! I've lost touch with nearly all of those families in the last twenty years, mainly because we don't live on the west side where most of them still reside, but I have such good memories of those early days, and I'm thrilled to get acquainted again. Sadly, several of the children that Sophie began her school years with have passed away -- in those early childhood days, it was not unusual to go to at least one funeral a year of a young person. Looking at these grown men and women and imagining all that they've been through is emotional for me in bittersweet ways.

Saint Mirtha is training Sophie's fabulous new aide, Lauren, this week. I dropped them off both mornings, went for a walk on the beach and then did some freelance writing work yesterday, another interview for a possible job today and then -- wait for it --

began revising my manuscript at the public library.

The universe is abundant.


  1. Splendid news! Sophie is clearly delighted. The release of energy radiating from this post is beautiful to behold.

  2. Sophie looks like she is smiling in the last picture. Her eyes look happy.

  3. I am thrilled for you and for Sophie, too. This is HUGE!

  4. A good dignified life of value - as everyone deserves. I sometimes forget why I fight for the things I fight for - that there are real lives impacted by the fight. That we keep pushing. Besides this making me happy to hear of Sophie's days being enriched, full, dignified!!!, I am glad for the reminder to keep going.

  5. This post makes my heart happy.

  6. This is such wonderful news! Sophie looks so happy and engaged.

  7. I’m glad for Sophie and for you! Hope the program is a great fit and experience for Sophie.

  8. I am so happy to hear that this program worked out and that St Martha can train the aide. It’s great for Sophie and you as well!

  9. WOO HOO! What a wonderful development. Sophie seems happy and stimulated and I'm sure this will be a life-changer for both you and her. And you're working on the book again!

  10. OMG!! That sounds fabulous! Very happy for Sophie. The day programs here in MA are shitty. They have a 1 to 5 ratio (and massive staff turnover) so you can imagine that there's a whole lot of sitting around in a room doing nothing specific. We have funding for home based care which is wonderful, but it's very isolating for our severely disabled kids. It's a fact too, that the state wants as many people as possible on the home funding so there is no incentive to improve the day programs. I'm happy for you and Sophie though. It's a real blessing!

  11. Wonderful news! Sophie looks happy and that's so good to see!

  12. Wonderful news! Sophie looks happy and that's so good to see!

  13. That's wonderful!. Good for Sophie and good for you.

  14. Wonderful news! Sophie looks happy and that's so good to see!

  15. Yes, Sophie looks relaxed and engaged already. Is that a smile on her face? My kids would hate to be home with me, while I find myself delightful, they find me boring.

  16. I'm so happy for you and Sophie, Eliza eth! What great news. 💕❤💕

  17. Fantastic News, I'm so Happy for you and for Sophie, what a big Positive difference this will make in both of your lives!

  18. BEYOND wonderful! What a long wait you and Sophie have had. This looks like a great program. So, congratulations all around. And you...you've got many irons in the fire. Brava.

  19. So glad to read about this new program for Sophie. So great for her. And for you! x0x0 N2

  20. Congratulations soldier sister! Woohoo! Such wonderful news for Sophie. My heart sings for both of you.

  21. This sounds like a dream program. I wish we had one like it here. You can't imagine the dreadful local programs available for those like Sophie and our C. who have "graduated" school. It's why we keep her home, burn-out and boredom notwithstanding.

    I hope Sophie continues to thrive there and she clearly is already.

  22. Sophie looks so happy! The Universe is Abundant xoxo

  23. What, you are happy with a great program for Sophie. That is wonderful. But what about all the children separated from their parents at the border?

    1. Anonymous, what do you mean? Have I forgotten that our government kidnapped thousands of children and put them in internment camps. Never. Doing what I can — do you need info or resources on how you can help them?
