Tuesday, August 14, 2018

Tuesday Evening Tiny Little Mother Mind™ Peach Pie and Miscellany

In case you're wondering, Sophie continues to enjoy her new community-based adult day program. Today, she and a group of other clients went to the California Science Center. They rode the train downtown, and evidently Sophie loved the ocean room. Of course.

I took this picture this morning. I love Sophie's hands. They are so delicate and fine. I wish that she could use them more.

This sign made me smile and roll my eyes. It's hard to believe what's happened in the last five years in the cannabis medicine world. That being said, I heard about a neurological/pharmaceutical conference recently where the Powers That Be spent a good amount of time denigrating the CBD oils that we've been using for so long. The usual Two-Faced Neuro was there, sort of my nemesis if I really gave a shit anymore, which I don't. He was doing his thing, and this tiny little mother mind™ was doing hers.

Surprise, surprise. I hate to be cynical, but these guy and lady docs are about as cliche as the older man who has an affair with a younger woman.

Recently, a newspaper article touting the benefits of Epidiolex, the new CBD-only single-molecule pharmaceutical approved for Lennox-Gastaut and Dravet Syndrome, quoted a physician who said something to the effect of the "artisan oils" being used were "impossible to test." I don't mince words. What a load of crap. If crap could be, it'd also be transparent -- so clear that Big Pharma and the stooges in the medical world are busy, busy, busy undermining everything that's been done. Telling lies. Propaganda.

Don't get me started.

I made a peach pie today. It's one of the monthly offerings in my gig as baker for Everyone Needs Cake,™ in this case, pie. I took the skins of the peaches, Reader, and honestly? It was like slipping off a silk nightgown.

I tossed them in sugar and whiskey and let them sit for a bit.

I cooked the juices that collected after they sat for a while, added some cornstarch and cooked that up. Then I rolled out the pie dough that I'd made earlier and dumped the peaches in. I made a lattice with the other disc of pie dough and then I froze the whole thing for a couple of hours.

Here's the finished product -- perhaps a tad too brown in places, but my God! Those naked, cooked peaches sure smell good!


  1. Oh, yum!!! I love pie. And what a gorgeous photo of Sophie’s hands. I need to talk to you about CBD oil for Robert again

  2. That pie looks amazing! Sophie’s hands are so beautiful. Your portrait of them is somehow infused with a new sense of peace. I’m so happy for her program that fosters such engagement with the world.

  3. I made peach crisp the other day which was divine for my gluten free gal... Love u and your family. I have been thinking of sophie and you with the changes to her program. I know how hard that can be. Love to you all. Jennifer

  4. Sublime. Your photo of Sophie in the ocean room, Sophie's hands, and that extraordinary peach pie. Thank you!

  5. Oh my. Peach pie! Beautiful but not as beautiful as Sophie's hands which are as expressive as her eyes as she takes in the wonder of the ocean room. I am so glad that she is able to take part in this program.

  6. God that looks good! Our school's lawyer last week filed a motion for our hearing to be thrown out since Epidiolex is available now and in their words "we can just use that." I asked if they would be picking up the $32,000 a year price tag. So frustrating!

    1. You have got to be fucking kidding me. Sigh. Why should I be surprised. This is how things work.

  7. Sophie’s hands are so dainty! So pretty.

    I love peaches but something about touching them freaks me out. And not just a little. I can’t even pick one up. Last week I had an apricot that my husband had peeled. There was a small amount of fuzz left and when I bit into it I started wretching. It reminds me of eating a mouse. Even typing this gives me shivers.

  8. What a beautiful sequence of pictures.

    My mother bottled peaches, is this how you say it in English? Preserving? We were allowd to peel and stack the halves into the tall bottling jars.

  9. OMG

    “How to Swim an Elegy” by Craig Van Rooyen

    Posted: 31 Jul 2018 12:00 AM PDT

    Craig Van Rooyen


    Lo, let that night be desolate;
    let no joyful voice come therein.
    Let them curse it that curse the day,
    who are ready to rouse up leviathan.
    —Job 3:7-8

    This is a job
    for your barnacle-wrecked body.
    Grief, it turns out, is too much
    for the mind. It enervates
    the yellowed enamel of your
    ground-down molars; chafes at
    the skin sack separating your water
    from the world’s water. Keep
    your chin up. Not because
    the sympathy cards tell you to,
    but because the horizon’s gone,
    replaced by a blubberless body
    you must dive for again and again,
    as it slips and sinks—body of your body
    that you must propel to the surface
    over and over, each time discovering
    for the first time the lie of perfect form.
    Three days and three nights,
    across the Sound, afterbirth
    trailing behind, swim
    until your forehead becomes
    an open tomb. You must balance
    the weight of your old life on your nose
    until the sky disappears and you become
    a spectacle for pleasure-boaters.
    Engines throbbing, they will point
    as if the calf’s a rubber ball
    you can’t put down.
    The captain will turn on his mic:
    No-one knows why. Instinct? Spirit?
    It’s almost human. This will be
    your signal. Swim closer, closer
    until the binoculars come down
    and they flee the railing,
    recognizing in your dead
    their own.

  10. I'm happy to see that Sophie got to spend time in the Ocean Room... a place every Mermaid would feel quite at Home! And tho' I rarely eat Pies or Cakes, the skinned Peaches looked divine to me... soaking and resting in Whiskey... my mouth just watered!

  11. I'm glad that Sophie is enjoying her program. None of the programs with accept Katie because of her behavioral problems.

    I'm not one for pies that pie looks beautiful.

  12. Thank you for all that good cheer in just one post: Sophie's long, graceful, delicate, fingers; the adult day program I wish we could import here, and that scrumptious-looking pie.

  13. OK, that pie looks AMAZING! As for the doctors and the CBD, well, you know to trust your TLMM.

  14. “took the skins of the peaches, Reader, and honestly? It was like slipping off a silk nightgown.” is the most erotic sentence I’ve ever read.

  15. Sophie's hands, so delicate and beautiful, with long, slender fingers are those of an intuitive.
    Your peach pie? I would say that it was baked with a whole lotta love. I can almost smell the sweetness from here.
