Sunday, December 23, 2018

Making Pies

My podcast partner, Jason Lehmbeck suggested that I put up an end of year post, a Who Lives Like This?! list of our favorite caregiver podcasts, and I said, Jason! I'm busy! Taking care of Sophie and making cakes! Jason reminded me of the fabulous song by Patti Griffin called Making Pies which is now running through my head -- as I make cakes for the masses and care for Sophie. I think you, dear Reader, should listen while you read:

The past six months have been incredible for the Who Lives Like This?! podcast -- we've talked to so many lovely and amazing mothers and fathers of children and young adults with disabilities. We've talked to those in support positions, and we have several terrific guests coming up in the new year -- siblings, mothers, fathers, bakers, pie makers, business tycoons -- well -- not business tycoons. We'd love to have a caregiver on the show who's also a business tycoon, though, so if you know someone, let us know. Pie-baking, as you might guess, doesn't pay all the bills!

So here goes on a list of caregiver podcasts that we love.

Ours truly


Mama, Build Your Empire

Mama Bear

Learning Not To Swear

The Accessible Stall Podcast

Reader, please leave a comment here or elsewhere if you know of a podcast that might appeal to this mighty group of caregivers. Share the post, too, if you are so inclined.

Now, I've got to go make pies.

You could cry or die 
Or just make pies all day 
I'm making pies 
Making pies
Making pies 
Making pies


  1. Making Pies and Caregiving... it is enough. May 2019 be all that you Hope for, Merry Christmas!

  2. So, how did the pies turn out? :-) Merry Christmas! :-)

    Greetings from London.

  3. You've had an amazing year, you started that important and moving podcast series, you cared for Sophie and the college boys, you waded deeper in love and brought your family along, you advocated and educated, and I am in awe of you. (I do hope this comment goes through, it's my third attempt to get it to post. The other three, better expressed comments simply disappeared.)
