Wednesday, January 2, 2019

Working Stiff

Street graffiti, Los Angeles, 2019

I finally got a job that I'm excited about, and it begins next week. I've been applying for various positions from a site called Indeed for the last year, and I was beginning to believe that it might be a front for some kind of data gathering Russian bot/Facebook thingamajig because literally nothing came out of it. I'm perfectly aware that I have my limitations at the age of 55, and I didn't bother applying to the kind of grunt work that offered a salary that would quickly be swallowed up by Saint Mirtha, but damn, it was demoralizing and all death of a salesman around here until Christmas week when I was hired to teach English literature and writing part time in a small private school for girls. The school is very small and very religious, with strict dress codes for both the students and the teachers. That's all I'll say about that. I am very excited and a tiny bit nervous but extremely grateful to have found something that perfectly fits the erratic schedule and overwhelming duties of my other job as CEO of Sophie, Inc. I will be jumping right in on Monday with the girls already reading Frankenstein. 

I have love in me the likes of which you can scarcely imagine and rage the likes of which you would not believe. If I cannot satisfy the one, I will indulge the other. 

from Mary Shelley's Frankenstein

The universe is abundant.


  1. Congratulations! I am very happy for you.

  2. I've been browsing that site too daydreaming about the possibility of getting a job. I would have loved having you as an English teacher. Lucky girls!

  3. Wonderful! So happy for you. You deserve all good things. Can't wait to hear more about it. -Kate

  4. How wonderful!!! I am excited for you.

  5. Fabulous! I hope it works out well for you. Happy New Year.

  6. I see now! Wonderful! It sounds like a lot of fun but crept for maybe that dress code. Regardless, your natural style will break thru that crap. Congrats!

  7. That should have been “except” - spell check is in a roll.

  8. Wow ! Those young minds are fortunate INDEeD!

  9. Wow, Elizabeth, you are just what those girls need :) Fantastic.

  10. Congratulations Elizabeth! That sounds perfect for you. I imagine you will inspire a whole new generation to take up a love of reading.

  11. That's great. Congratulations.

  12. My mind's eye immediately saw you garbed in a gray Amish frock complete with bonnet! Happy teaching!!


  13. That's exciting and wonderful, Elizabeth! Lucky students! And that quote just rocked me.

  14. They are so lucky to have you! You will give them much to contemplate and I can't wait to hear all about it. XOXO

  15. hot DAMN, woman! I'm excited for you, and for those girls who are going to have you as a teacher. Congratulations.

  16. Congratulations and huzzah!!

  17. Yay! That's so exciting! Are you going to slip those kids all kinds of subversive literature that will make them question their cloistered upbringings? :) (I'm kidding. I think.)


  19. Oops that was me ^^
