Thursday, May 2, 2019

Things That Made Me Cry in My Mind, 5/1/19

  1. Kamala Harris grilling Barr (so much money and time literally wasted on these hideous people running the country even as we watch it burn, drown and fall)
  2. The briefing filed by the Trump administration calling for the complete and total dismantlement of the Affordable Care Act (anxiety, again)
  3. The story of the young man in North Carolina who charged the shooter and tackled him and was killed, the photo of him and his impossible life, interrupted by training on how to do such a thing and ended by doing such a thing (disbelief that people think owning guns ensures their safety and freedom)
  4. The man in Georgia who lured a teenaged girl off a website for girls with eating disorders to come live with him, engaged her in brutal sex acts and kept her in a cage for some of that time but will not serve any prison time because of the eight months he spent in a detention center prior to sentencing
  5. The New York man who was sentenced to probation only for raping a 14 year old girl he met while driving a school bus, who, according to the judge, only raped one girl, rather than multiple
  6. People close to me who recently made statements supporting the racist POSPOTUS who is also a sexual predator  and who also would take away the very thing that enables my family to live somewhat more comfortably with Sophie's epilepsy (the tears were real)
  7. The article about retail botox centers where you can get injectables as conveniently as hair blow-outs

Reader, I imagine you'd rather see a list of things that make one grateful. 

  1. The fluke of a blue whale, seen yesterday from a boat just off the shore of Newport Beach (the tears were real) 


  1. It has come to the point that I seem to be crying most of the time and that's even without reading the articles you mentioned (mostly) because I know I would just lose my mind if I did. I did read the account of Kamala Harris grilling Barr and that was wonderful although why does this even need to be done? Nothing is right anymore. And did you see that Trump called her "nasty"? His favorite word for women who don't take his shit.

  2. I'm trying, somewhat successfully, to avoid the news. It's all so horrible. The world seems to be spiralling down into blatant hatred and greed. WTF! We are better than this!

  3. I love this and am feeling the tears.

  4. Please go see Amazing Grace the movie with your family. Aretha=God and I don't believe in God.

    Big love from the NW
