Thursday, April 16, 2009

It's Here!

Today I received my free copy of this:

My essay, "Invisible Child" is on Page 91, along with what look like a host of other chapters by wonderful writers.

Feel free to order the book HERE or go to your library or better yet your independent bookstore and get a copy.

And enjoy!


  1. I LOVE YOU I LOVE YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This has me so excited...and I just want you to know that I am PROUD to know you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. Congratulations! It looks like a wonderful book.

  3. Wow!! Congratulations!! You are an eloquent lady and I'll bet it feels great to have contributed to a good book like this..!!

  4. Wonderful! Congratulations!!! I'll raise a glass to you tonight!

  5. How awesome! Congratulations on the book!!

  6. Order placed! Can't wait to read it! Thanks for making it so easy.

  7. E, this is wonderful. So thrilled for you and can't wait to read it! xoxo

  8. How exciting! I will definitely check it out.

    By the way, just catching up on reading Newsweek with the epilepsy cover story. Can't help but think of you as I read.

  9. Congrats!!!! im so envious... ahem... I mean thrilled! Okay, thrilled and mildly envious! i love those books... i cant wait to pick one up and i will definately turn to page 91 first!!! Rock On!!

  10. Congratulations! Can't wait to get my copy!!!

  11. Oh my goodness! What an honor that must be! Congratulations!

  12. Wonderful, Elizabeth! You are amazing. Congrats.
    I've only been out of town for a few days and you're in print all over the place!!

  13. YAY!! i'm THRILLED for you! i want to go order my copy right now!!!
