Monday, September 28, 2009

Making Lemonade

I am the proud recipient, today, of the Lemonade Award, bequeathed to me by the most wonderful blogger Alicia at Welcome to My Planet.   Alicia is the wonderful mother of four girls, one of whom struggles daily with severe autism and developmental disabilities. Alicia has the dark humor so necessary to survival for some of us; her posts are always sensitive and filled with a soft yearning. Thank you, Alicia for giving me this award!

The Lemonade Award is a feel good award that honors blogs that demonstrate great attitude or gratitude. Here are the rules for accepting this award:

-Put the Lemonade logo on your blog or within your post.
-Nominate at least ten blogs with great attitude or gratitude.
-Link the nominees within your post.
-Let the nominees know they have received this award by commenting on their blog.
-Share the love and link to the person from whom you've received the award.

First all the blogs on my blogroll to the right deserve this award. As do the more than fifty other blogs that I read as often as I can that I've bookmarked! So, it's really difficult to pick ten blogs and give this award. That's why I'm going to pick two (you know how much I hate rules and authority, anyway!). Here they are:

Bless Our Hearts is truly a blog of attitude and gratitude. Each and every day, Ms. Moon, the reverend of the Church of Batshit Crazy tells us stories of her life and loved ones, including her brood of backyard chickens. She is loving when love is called for and righteously angry when that is called for, too. She just became a grandmamma this weekend, so go on over to her blog and congratulate her!

The Disabled Kid's Keeper is a blog so full of attitude that you might laugh until your face hurts. This brilliantly funny single mother of a child with severe disabilities tells it like it is, inadvertently bringing awareness to those who might otherwise not realize what it's like raising a child with disabilities. Her wicked sense of humor makes her especially dear to me and I'm so happy to have "discovered" her unique voice.

Congrats to you both and sorry for all the weird typesets on this post. Blogspot is going insane today, and driving me there as well!

Thank you, again, Alicia!


  1. CONGRATULATIONS - you deserve this award, & many others!

  2. Oh my god, Elizabeth. I am so honored. I will deal with the passing-on of the award soon when I have a brain that can function.
    You have no idea how much this means to me, coming from you.

  3. Congrats to you Elizabeth! It is well deserved. I've enjoyed your writing here and also on your food blog.

    Thank you for the kind words about my blog. I'm not sure I have a good attitude but I definitely have a lot of attitude.
