Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Corner View - Dream

Wishes and dreams are much the same thing.

The Dream Keeper

Bring me all of your dreams,
You dreamer,
Bring me all your Heart melodies
That I may wrap them
In a blue cloud-cloth
Away from the too-rough fingers
Of the world.

Langston Hughes

A portrait of Sophie, made by her brother Henry, when he was five years old. "I dream that she is happy and can talk," he said.

**Visit other corner views around the world by going to Spain Daily.

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  1. You know the sweetness there makes my heart burst open and lets love fly out. You know that, right?

  2. I hope that when you publish your book, you include some of the photographs you've taken.

  3. That portret is so beautiful and so sweet!
    and your littleone, is so adorable!

  4. Oh my friend a very beautiful dream post. If I had a magic want I would grant you, your dream and more. The photos are priceless. xoxo

  5. Elizabeth you have the most beautiful family.

    Love Renee xoxo

  6. I love this post. My son is not able to pass by a dandelion ready for seed-blowing and wish-making.

    The pics are beautiful, the poem is exquisite, and Henry's portrait and dream for Sophie really touches me.


  7. You tug at me, stretching, and settling .
    Thank you

  8. Awww... Please let Henry know we're all dreaming the same thing!

  9. I love your corner view. Thanks for reminding us about the magical dreamscape of childhood!

  10. The portrait of Sophie is wonderful.

  11. sweet dreams ..... Henry and Oliver and Elizabeth and Sophie and The Husband .... dreams and heart melodies .....

  12. Lovely. The dandelion; the poem; the photo and quote. Thanks for sharing!

  13. awww. he's so sweet !! what a loving and kindhearted boy you have !

  14. God I LOVE that self portrait of sophie and her brothers sweet wish. his heart is incredible. sophie is so blessed to have him in her life:)
    and man is that kid adorable!

  15. beautiful relationship your children have

  16. know that i've said it before, but your son is amazing. such sweetness. you have a wonderful family!

  17. Oh, I LOVE these shots! Such a cute idea!

    Love the shots of Sophie and the beach... beautiful!

  18. Oh, this is such a very beautiful photo. I can't understand but I really felt joy by looking at it. Thanks for the post.
