Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Taking Care of Business

Erika, over at The Flight of Our Hummingbird has given me two awards. The great thing about blogging, especially when you have an incredible community of bloggers like I do, is that you can accept accolades from the privacy of your home and then pass them on. Thank you, Erika, for the awards and for your beautiful, inspiring writing. I would like to pass this award on to The House of Nana, a blog that I am absolutely addicted to. And now I'll answer these terribly informative questions -- I'm actually not only grateful for the awards but grateful to just do something fun!
1. Where is your cell phone?  next to me
2. Your hair?  graying
3. Your mother?  Syrian/Scotch-English
4. Your father?  Italian
5. Your favorite food?  pizza
6. Your dream last night?  nothing 
7. Your favorite drink?  wheat beer, right now
8. Your dream/goal?  to found a school/residence for people like Sophie 
9. What room are you in?  bedroom
10. Your hobby?  reading
11. Your fear?  that religious zealots of any stripe "win"
12. Where do you want to be in 6 years?  home, writing, and listening to my children
13. Where were you last night? here
14. Something that you aren't?  little
15. Muffins?  cappuccino
16. Wish list item? laptop  
17. Where did you grow up?  New Jersey and Atlanta, GA 
18. Last thing you did?  kissed by boys good-bye as they ran out the door 
19. What are you wearing? Target pjs and a robe 
20. Your TV?  ancient 
21. Your pets?  Valentine, the poodle, Peanut, the hamster, and I forget his name the betta fish 
22. Friends?  more precious than anything other than my kids 
23. Your life?  never a dull moment
24. Your mood? good 
25. Missing someone?  not really
26. Vehicle?  take me away  
27. Something you’re not wearing? shorts
28. Your favorite store? bookstore 
29. Your favorite color?  blue 
30. When was the last time you laughed?  this morning
31. Last time you cried? two days ago
32. Your best friend?  I have a couple
33. One place that I go to over and over? my computer
34. One person who emails me regularly? my father 
35. Favorite place to eat?  in the kitchen


  1. Oh! (blush. looks at shoes. whisper- giggles.) I'm obviously addicted to your blog as well and have been here about 50 times today, looking at everything on your side bar and such. Oh, thank-you!

  2. Congratulations - you deserve it! And I love reading these memes. It's fun to learn more about our blog-buddies. XO

  3. Of course you deserve the awards, and the memes are so fun (and funny). Love that you get to be in your pjs in the am. I stay as long as I can but my kids still expect me to drive them to school. (I think a 5 year old could walk a mile up hill, don't you???)

  4. Congrats. You are a wonderful blogger!! I love Target P.J.s, too.

  5. Come over, I'm having a giveaway.

    Love Renee xoxo

  6. So we're allowed more than single word answers? That's a relief. I do enjoy your blog so much regardless of my recent ranting of sadness. Your blog is attractive and diverse, and I am jealous of the food blog. I mean, really, what in the heck is polenta anyway? Is it a grain or a pasta or what?;) Your energy and ability to show glimpses of truth and beauty make me look forward to your next posts. Bravo!!
