Thursday, October 22, 2009

Sophie and the Beach

Much has been written about Sophie and the beach, here and here and here.

Yesterday we went to the beach. It was a beautiful, breezy day and the sky was intensely blue. I intended to exercise, so I brought along Sophie's wheelchair and pushed her about a mile toward the Santa Monica pier. We passed women pushing baby carriages, young guys on skateboards, muscle men working out in the sand and a homeless guy who muttered curse words and shuffled along next to me for a little bit. I heard a couple arguing, you've got to try to have a sense of humor about these things, an older woman said to an older man, and one young guy whizzed by me sideways on skates with only one wheel. His red hair stood up on end and he looked a little like an inverted hamster.

I turned around at the pier and pushed her back toward where we had started. We sat in the sun at Perry's Cafe. I ate a grilled mahi-mahi sandwich and fed Sophie grilled cheese and french fries.

Then I wheeled the chair down the short wooden pier and left it there, at the end. I love that Sophie can walk freely here on the sand. There's a wide expanse and a soft surface, so I just let her go.

We sat, then,  in the sand and watched the surfers and sunbathers for a bit before we headed home.


  1. You know, I have actually been there, where you walk with Sophie on the beach. This amazes me. That exact place.
    I wish I could be there now and walk with you both.
    I had a friend who suffered from a terrible neurological disorder and I used to take her for walks, too. She did not have seizures, but that was the way she would walk, in this world but also in her own.

  2. Wow -- what a beautiful spot -- and weather!! How close are you to the beach?

    We're hunkering down for winter here :(

    Loved the photos. Louise

  3. You're making me miss L.A....and I was only just there! Beautiful pictures and I love the stories about the people walking near you. Beachy.

  4. he looked "like an inverted hamster." Fantastic description.

  5. A blessed day.

    Mother and daughter having a day at the beach eating some lunch.

    Love you.

    Renee xoxo

  6. I LOVE the pix of Sophie walking in the sand. Gorgeous!

  7. Sounds like a lovely day.

  8. I keep seeing these photos of Sophie when I am going over thoughts in my mind at night. She's wonderful.

  9. Oh have a calm peaceful time..oh that warms my see her walking on the beach!! I so want many many days like just breathe and just be!
    The red headed hamster..giggle snort...thank you for the smile!!
    Hugs to you, Sarah

  10. I meant so many days for you like's early...geesh...

  11. What a lovely day. I'm so glad that you brought your camera with you. It makes me happy to see Sophie walking in the sand, and I love the photo of the ferris wheel...but my favorite shot is of her playing with your hair. What a gift. Thank you for sharing that moment with us.

  12. ahhhhh .... i just love your descriptions of things like this ..... you allow us all to be there with you - vicariously. I can still feel the sand in my shoes :)

  13. I always love the pictures of Sophie on the beach but the one of her playing with your hair is especially beautiful!!

    Sounds like a lovely day. You haven't posted much about this month without school...hope you are hanging in there!

  14. Her expression is positively fascinating. What is that fierceness in those beautiful eyes? Wonderful.

  15. It sounds like a lovely afternoon. The pictures are beautiful.

    I have to catch up on your posts... It's hard to keep up with all the fine bloggers I've come across through Ms Moon's place!

