Thursday, November 5, 2009

Lurkers, Reveal Yourself! A Giveaway!

Don't get too excited unless you're the parent of a child with special needs or you know a parent of a child with special needs or you have special needs or you just like to read about the crazy shenanigans of those whose lives are touched by those with special needs. (And, frankly, I'm growing tired of the term special needs).

I have a copy of My Baby Rides the Short Bus: The Unabashedly Human Experience of Raising Kids with Disabilities. I'll even sign it, if you'd like, or personalize it for that special someone ( I have an essay inside!).

So, please leave a comment and I'll draw a name on Sunday and announce the random winner. If you feel really, really creative and want TWO chances to win, come up with a different term than special needs.


  1. I've heard such wonderful things about this book. I can't wait to read it!!

  2. My girlfriend has an autistic son and they have a different term but for the life of me I can't remember it.

    I'm not a fan of special needs. I think we all have special needs. My special need is hugs, I need a lot of them.

  3. Ooooo! Pick me, Pick me!

    Let's see...I've used "Differently Abled." "Uniquely gifted." "Quirky" when talking about my son.

  4. I think other people will be better with the book so, I step down, although I would love to read the article. By the way I tried the other day and couldn't get in, it just took me to Amazon.

    Now the term..... let me see....

    That is tough.


  5. Elizabeth, add me to your giveaway...I would love to read that book and you know how much I love your writing....
    Thanks, Rachel Schinderman

  6. just saying you, and rachel!

  7. just as important as you (or your kid)

  8. CONGRATULATIONS on your essay!!! yaya! you are such a great writer :). i really hope I win bc I want to read your essay and i'm probably too cheap to buy the book. (yes, im CHEAP! i admit it).

    Ok, since I want 2 chances to win (not that it matters bc i always lose at this type of stuff) here's a term thats sooooo P.C. it makes me gag, but it's kinda nice:
    "Differently Abled"
    oh darn - corrie beat me to that one!
    i got nothin' then...

  9. In a former life, I planned daily activities for a dozen such kids. It was mind boggling but like you, I always looked for the light.

  10. Hmm---as a person with, um, "special needs," I always refer to it rather euphemistically, i.e. "my short bus compatriots" or (because I have CP) "spaz." I actually have very strong opinions about this, as something of a linguistics geek; I dislike "handicapped" and -hate- "differently-abled" (sorry, Corrie!).

    Your mileage may vary, but I like the "nontypical/"cognitively" and/or "physically disabled" side of things. We can't use the same words for everybody, obviously. (Or I wouldn't dare to try.) Anyway, I like "learning disabilities" as the term is used in the UK to denote cognitive involvement. Oh, "involved"'s another one.

    I could talk about this for a good long time, can you tell? It's of special interest. Thanks for letting me lurk (all of you, in this disability-parenting community). Your blog, your writing in general, is pretty much gorgeous.

  11. I can't think of anything original-- maybe just

    Quirky Kids (QD) for short

  12. a pox on the person who said "retarded"

  13. I'm not entering but just wanted to say that's awesome you have an essay inside!

  14. How about the unspoken fallen angels from heaven? Somebody close to me is quite affected by autism and that is how I view them no matter how silent they are.

  15. I'm not entering because I plan to buy the book, but I wanted to congratulate you again on your writing and publishing success. As for a term- my sister and brother are deaf and we always struggled with a terminolgy for them as well. Hearing-impaired seems too mild for someone who is profoundly deaf, but better by a mile than the cruel "deaf and dumb" of days gone by. I don't like the word "special" either- it's a bit too precious, but not sure what to use instead. Sorry for the lack of imagination this morning!

  16. Wow cool blog Elizabeth! The book sounds great! Congrats on getting published!!!

    I like to call my medically compromised, special needs atypical child Ellie. Her name just works better than anything else AND she is my normal, my Ellie, my only and beautiful, smart, funny, sweet and loving baby girl. I agree a pox on the person who used the word retard!

    Your book sounds great! Would love to read it! Delurking...

  17. I'm so tired of special needs too, but everything else sounds forced. I want to buy the book so don't enter me. Can't wait to read it!!
