Wednesday, December 23, 2009

In keeping with my Christmas at the Koreatown carwash

I bring you Norrywood. This house is about 1/2 mile from my own. On a typical day, the semi-circle of Michelangelo's Davids sparkle in the sun behind a white fence and in front of several very large, luxury cars that are each painted orange. The word is that a couple of music producers live there and long ago scandalized the otherwise posh neighborhood with their love of Italian sculpture (I, personally, love the idea of bugging the old guard). When the King of Pop died last summer, each David was clad in a tiny, Michael Jackson-style jacket. I curse myself for not taking a picture. But it's Christmas when the place really shines, and despite a less than stellar year in all things economic here in Los Angeles, Norrywood has outdone itself. Unseen in this photo, a black Santa sits on a bench, his hand raised in a black power salute,  with his beloved Mrs. Claus. There's a six or seven foot statue of the numbers of the year, 2009, all gold and glittery. And the addition this year of the giant red crown on the roof, overlooking an enormous cut-out of just who exactly is it? made all of us squeal with pleasure when we rounded that section of Third Avenue and saw it in all its splendor this week.I don't even think I could describe what it looks like at night, lit up and festive and oh-so-Christmas-in-a-stereotypical-LA-way.

Trust me. It's fantastic.

In fact, we don't need a carol of the day today. What we do need, though, is a way to take a photo at night so that you can really SEE the glory of Christmas. All of it. Click on the picture to really check out the details.


  1. Can you say "over the top"?
    I love it!

  2. where is this house Elizabeth? I have never noticed it....

  3. Love it and thanks for sharing! It is usually the places that some neighbors complain about that catch my attention!

  4. I remember driving in LA years ago not to this place but to the famous house some Arab prince bought and had all the Roman statues painted white except for their pubic hair. I laughed for days on end while there because it was the most aggravating thing in everyone's lips. They could talk of apparently nothing else but the statues pubic hair. Like you, I wish I would have taken some photos but it was before the digitals.

    Great shot, have to love those who stir the soup of complaisance.

  5. I love it.

    And I'm fascinated by the cut out.

    Kinda looks like a young Deepok Chopra.
