Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Corner View - Street Scenes

I haven't done Corner View in a while and had a hankering to post these photos when I heard that this week's theme is Street Scenes.  See Jane at Spaindaily for more Corner Views around the world.

Olvera Street, Downtown Los Angeles, April 2007

Immigration March, Wilshire Blvd., Los Angeles, 2006

It's a big country.


  1. You're right. It's a big country, in size at least. You'll have to decide whether it's also in maturity. I don't live there. This was such an eye-opener. The images are unbelievable. I can almost smell their sweat. :-)

    Anecdote for you. The only time I saw 'La Strada' was in Italian at the Havana's Cinematheque in the late 80s. Although I didn't and still don't speak Italian, the images stayed with me. Fellini was a master of the image.

    Thanks for your comment. It was most welcome.

    Greetings from London.

  2. Wow, what scenes! Hugs to the kids.

  3. A lot of beautiful and rich pictures... as our world can be ;)

  4. Great street scenes Elizabeth. Toronto is pretty diverse, this reminds me of the Easter passion procession in LIttle Italy. We don't get into the city enough, most of the time my cultural fixes are gleaned from soccer fields. Which in reality, are quite extraordinary.

  5. This made me want to cry. There is nothing in the world more beautiful than strong people who are brave enough to ask for what they have worked so hard to achieve.

  6. Also- is the man in feathers Quetzalcoatl?

  7. It is big enough, indeed. Beautiful post.

  8. i would have gladly, and with great honor walked side by side these deserving souls.

    thank you for the intimate view...

  9. The expressions on those faces are priceless. You've captured their pride, their love, their spirit so well.

  10. What great photos. I love the first set, especially. Was that a religious holiday? It could have been in another festive and colorful.

  11. Yes, we are big, but can we be great? I keep on saying that if all these people stay home for a week and we were forced to tend to the country the way they do, every American would vote, regardless of political affiliation for immigration reform. Imagine.

  12. thanks for sharing these colorful & meaningful shots

  13. Yo vengo de Los Angeles. Took me back a few decades -- thanx.

  14. Imagine.
    Imagine a world...
    These images are beautiful, and bring the world a clarity that begins to reach beyond imagining.
    Thank you.

  15. I was glad to see you play today - I knew you'd have something great from LA LA land :) .... this really IS great though .... I just finished reading Shanghai Girls, which mentions China Town, China City, Olvera Street and the birth of those places in the last century. My favorite photo is of the hispanic woman in the red - she looks like a rock of a woman

  16. Love the pics!
    Your right. Our country is huge! Just one street has so many people on it!

  17. it's a big world. let's see whether we can get a bit better at this sharing it ;)

    good shots.

  18. Land of the Free: Home of the Big Boy Hamburgers. I like it.

  19. These photographs are vivid and textured. I'm so glad you are here to show me things happening beyond my little town.

  20. Yes, it's a big and diverse country. I don't think you'd like Switzerland much:)
