Saturday, March 20, 2010

The Big O and Priorities

Oliver: I'm going to be super-rich one day.

Me: You are? What are you going to do with your money?

O: Well, first, I'm going to buy a whole lot of medicine for Sophie and it's going to work.

Me: That's great. What else?

O: I'm going to buy a limousine and have a brochure.

Me: What do you mean? What's a brochure for?

O: You know, the brochure. He'll drive my car.

Me: OH! You mean a chauffeur! You're going to have a chauffeur.

O: Yeah. A chauffeur. And he can drive Sophie around, too. And you.


  1. clearly he has them in order...

  2. Wow. When my sister was a child, all of my Italian spinster aunts put aside money each month for 'the operation' that would cure my sister's deafness. My grandfather left a sizable amount of stock in Ma Bell for that cause as well, and I can remember, growing up, always thinking: "first, when I'm a famous [insert famous something here] I'll get Buddy (my sister) the operation, then I'll get a pony, then..." Of course, deafness is a lot different that what ails your daughter, but I think from an early age we, her sisters were grappling with a mixed sense of helplessness and altruism; resentment at her monopolizing of family time (sometimes. we were/are human and kids can be quite insensitive and selfish) and a wish that we could be part of the solution.

    She's 31 now, has never had 'the operation.' But, would probably like a 'brochure' to drive her around in a limo. You seem to be doing a great job raising those kids, Elizabeth. All of them.

  3. He is mine! The philosopher is so...
    Italian when it comes to priorities.
    I should know. I want a brochure all of my own. Wait. I have one. I have not driven for years. But I would love a brochure anyway. Oh how I love your little tribe. I love you too, but not in the same crazy way.

  4. This is great.

    But I have to tell you, when I saw the title, I thought the "Big O" was something else entirely.

  5. But it is generally accepted as true that I have a dirty mind.

  6. Oh Elizabeth, as always, I love these posts. What a special boy.

  7. What a delightful young son you have! My 11 year old son often switches words in this funny way.

    It's neat to see things through their eyes, isn't it?

  8. When Jessie was very small, she wondered how they made all those people go to sleep during hurricanes. She had confused "hibernate" with "evacuate." We still find this charming.
    As is your boy.

  9. It seems that when Oliver grows up, your worries will be over! I had a number of places to stop in Chicago today. I would have loved to have a "brochure"!!


  10. love love love your succulents in the charming yellow watering can.

    And this post is so funny and dear and sweet.
    thanks for sharing.
