Saturday, March 20, 2010

Vernal Equinox

Happy Spring!

Sweet-pea bush


Meyer Lemon Tree (smells amazing)

My little utility sink fountain

Yellow Button Water Plant

I forget its name, but this plant looks like this year-round.

After quite a stressful week, it seemed fitting to celebrate spring and all the effortless profusion of flowers that grace my yard. I swear I do very little to make this happen, and happen it does. I've already been to one baseball game and am off to another and then, hopefully, a movie and dinner with a girlfriend. I'll wish you happy spring today and thank you for sticking with me during this week. Your support and laughter, your comments and prayers, your FLOWERS and encouragement mean the world to me. Keep Sophie in your thoughts and prayers, please, as she is struggling quite a bit right now.


  1. What a gorgeous post! I loved seeing your beautiful blooms. Today is blustery cold here; I'm hoping my sprouts make it through tonight's projected freeze. Texas weather...80's one day and 30's the next.

    Glad you're getting an evening out. Will be thinking of Sophie.

  2. Your photos are breath-taking, and I think I say that every time.

    I just caught-up with your last few posts, and I have to say, probably have already said this, too: you are a fabulous writer. While I want to rip and tear and create havoc over the subject-matter, the writing keeps a steady pull on me. Finish. Finish. Go clear to the end.

    I can imagine you having thousands of "Secret Admirers" No, really. I love it: 5oo lbs overweight, and aging quickly.


  3. it is so reassuring when parts of life not only take care of themselves, they flourish.

    thank goodness for seeds that break through dark earth, for flowers that burst into bloom, for Spring and the promise of renewal.

    sending you love...

  4. Oh my dear- these could be calender pictures. Truly, they could.
    Will be sending Sophie my best thoughts. As always.

  5. What beautiful flowers. We still have patches of snow but the predominant color around here is brown. Spring will come, eventually.

    Hope Sophie is feeling better soon.

  6. thanks for letting me wander in your bursting with life space.
    my yard is still blah.
    Great photos , Elizabeth, and I hope you were able to get out and enjoy yourself.

    Sophie is always on my mind, I will give her spirit a tender embrace.

  7. Sometimes we just need nature to bring back balance...

  8. Beautiful!! LOVE all the plants and especially your fountain! So cute and clever!
