Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Happy Birthday, Corner View!

I can't believe that Wednesday's Corner View was begun one year ago by Jane at Spain Daily. I hardly even realized that I have been a participant for the entire year, minus a bunch of Wednesdays of late. I've met people from all over the world and visit each of their amazing corners weekly.

For today's celebration, we are posting our favorite Corner View from our archives and some folks are even having a giveaway. I am going to give away a copy of my good friend Dean King's wonderful new book Unbound - A True Story of War, Love and Survival. You can read about the book HERE and HERE and leave a comment if you'd like a copy! I will use randomizer and pick a lucky winner next Wednesday, April 21st.

I think my favorite Corner View was September.

In the meantime, head on over to the many other Corner Views!


  1. the posts about Sophie are beautiful. everytime that header picture comes up it takes my breath away

  2. How have I not repaid your unstinting kindness in commenting before now? It feels as though now that the Blog of Note insanity has calmed down I am finally seeing all these wonderful people that got lost in the madness of those crazy numbers! Thank you for your continued loyalty, and always heartfelt comments.

    Your blog is a wonder. And so full of beauty. And yes, beginning with the stunning banner picture of your daughter. Thank you for sharing so much with us.

    C x

  3. oh. and that mermaid torte box. that's YOUR sophie. in case you didn't know

  4. Elizabeth- my eyes are filled with tears and I'm not just saying that. They are blurry as I write this. Your ability to take the very difficult and turn it into golden light is sheer art and reflects the heart you have within you.
    Sending love from Florida....M

  5. pierced , again.

    Of course I would love to read your friends' book.

  6. Since I'm fairly new to your blog, is there a place that explains what Corner View is? I clicked on some of the links above, but felt lost. What is it?

  7. Blogzilly - Corner View was started by a blogger in Spain, named Jane and is made up of bloggers, who are artists, photographers, writers, anyone really who post on a common theme each Wednesday. Jane started it one year ago and it caught on with the list that you see on the post. Her blog is

  8. Both of those September, Sophie, tree posts are beautiful and touching.

  9. i remember this post.... your writing is so powerful. i always feel that a little comment just doesn´t suffice. so i always send you lots of hugs:)
    p.s. thanks for the giveaway!

  10. elizabeth, happy one year! you know how amazing i think you are. thank you for sharing a little of your life, your strength, and your views with all of us. you are a light, mama!

  11. I see this corner view all around the blogs. How wonderful to have participated this long! Thanks for the chance on the book.

  12. I'm so glad to have met you and your family through corner view!

  13. Elizabeth I would LOVE a a copy of your friends book. The first time you posted about his new book I did a little research and read about his book Skeletons in the Zahara. I ran out and bought it and thoroughly enjoyed it. Would love to read his new one!

  14. Oh f un! Please enter me in the giveaway! :)

  15. As usual I´m unfashionably late with my trip through blog land. Too much going on in our lives right now.
    But so nice that you have the same picture! ;)
    I always read your posts..but as English is not my native language I always feel that commenting in my poor English doesn´t do right to what I want to say.
    But know that I enjoy all your posts even though I am a bad commenter. ;)
    Big hug, Jeannette

  16. Happy CV Anniversary.
    I love your writing. thanks for sharing.
    (i also have a giveaway to celebrate 1 year of CV)
