Monday, July 5, 2010

Interesting Reading

I read this post today with interest, particularly as it comes the day after July 4th --

On a lighter note, have you ever sat with a catalog and wondered what sort of people live in these surroundings? or I just have to have something, anything from this place? Here's a clever blog devoted to Catalog Living.


  1. Loved the links. If I had one moment more time in my day I would add them both to my reader. The catalog one is hysterical.

  2. Interesting, but for the rest of the world, pretty common knowledge already.

    Loved the catalogliving!

  3. My husband could have written a lot of the first link!! Love the catalog link. One does wonder about the people inhabiting those spaces. A good friend of mine was featured in one of the major decorating magazines years ago when she and another young woman shared an apartment in NYC. The "decorators" came in and completely redid their apartment so it was nothing like how they lived. When they left, they took everything with them. Soooo, one has to wonder!


  4. I visited the 1st link (reality) .... and think it's funny you have us go to the next link after that .... they go together somehow.

    I have an acquaintance in Rhode Island who just HAD to tell me (and everyone she ever knew) how their summer cottage in Maine or someplace was featured exclusively for an entire l.l.bean catalog. I've been jealous ever since.
