Tuesday, July 6, 2010

I've got nothing

of interest to write about, to show you, to rant on, etc. It's a gray and cold day in Los Angeles. That's right. It's gray and cold. I woke up this morning and it was raining. Rain in July in the southwest is as likely as high surf in Buffalo in December. I waited patiently for the doctor to call to confirm Sophie's infusion time, and that call never came. I had a meeting with someone who is helping us to refinance our house and perhaps jerk our lives into more solvency. I relented and called the doctor myself and found out that Sophie's infusion is happening next week. We think. I've done several loads of laundry and let the boys play endlessly on the computer and watch television. I've read a few magazines and eaten some leftovers. I thought some more about the movie I am Love that I saw a couple of weeks ago and that still resonates with me. How easy it is to subsume one's identity into one's children and family and how alluring to run away from it all. I also thought a bit more about To Kill a Mockingbird, the movie, that I watched last night with the boys. It was amazing, still. It was weird hearing the word nigger so many times, and I had to stop the movie and explain things to the boys. They were rapt and disbelieving. Inevitable to think about: Jim Crow laws and President Obama, both in my lifetime. And weird, too, that we haven't had a woman president, yet, and there's not one in sight.


  1. Well, there IS one in sight. I just think you and I would both rather um...NOT have the next Pres be female if it's her!!
    I'm catching up on your posts. I'm glad there is an appt scheduled.

  2. Come over, I am making Tiramisu and I could use some help with the eating tonight. Grilled Copper River salmon and panzanella. A great bottle of wine is cooling already. That should cheer you up and I will put the recipe for the Tiramisu in the Basket tonight. Love to you, carina.

  3. Well, it's been hot and sunny here and I am in no better mood than you are. I need to call my friend- see what the doctor said when she called him today and I am having a very hard time making myself do it. I have half killed myself working outside in order to "escape" feeling or worrying or anxiety.
    Does this help you? No. It does not.
    I remember asking an American history teacher whom I adored and respected, a long time ago in his class, if he thought the US would elect a black man or a woman first as president.
    He said he didn't know. But then, on his way out of class he looked at me and said, "Black man."
    Well, changes happen and bad days can end and good ones begin. I am hoping that for both of us.
    I love you, Elizabeth. I know your fingers are weary from holding on but here's my hand reaching out, saying, "I know you can do it."

  4. I think our recent weather has drifted down to you - and my mood too. It's so weird how gloom begets gloom. That's why we all have polka dot rain boots :)

    we watched Howard's End the other night - I totally forgot about how GOOD that movie is - and it's been on my mind the last few days - the very best movies are like that. The worst are - well forgettable.

    And in agreement with April, I hope we don't get no Drill Bay Drill beehive big hair ladies in lipstick for president any time soon or ever.

  5. Elizabeth for president. I like the sound of that.

  6. I love that photograph. You must have OUR weather, since we have what's typically YOUR weather, finally!

    Allegra's suggestion sounds PERFECT.

    Praying that the infusion date holds, or is moved up. I look forward to knowing that the good medicine is flowing into your sweetheart, helping her to get better. God bless you!

  7. sometimes nothing says everything.

    sending friend and mamma love your way.

    I finally dragged myself to the doctor today, I can't imagine the scope of your constant interactions , frustrations, and roller coaster of emotions.


  8. I hope things move forward purposefully with the infusion.

    P.S. Really dig that photo.

  9. Thinking of you and Sophie. I'd rather do most anything other than wait!


  10. Ah, well. Hillary almost made it, so I think it's close enough. Maybe next time. Africa has had a few woman presidents. Liberia's woman president (I think) was once on Oprah. Her first action was to make the action of rape illegal. Strange to think that this is not a law in so many countries.

    It's nice just having laid back days. Even if they are gray and wet.

  11. I have days just like that (different script, same feeling).

    And what - you don't think Sarah Palin has a chance? Ughh.

  12. NPR ran a great piece on TO Kill A Mocking Bird this morning that my son Charles stopped and turned up to listen to - and he had never heard o it.


    Fifty years ago, Harper Lee had the kind of success that most writers only dream about: Shortly after her novel, To Kill a Mockingbird, was published on July 11, 1960, it hit the best-seller lists. In 1961, it won a Pulitzer Prize, and in 1962, it was made into an Academy Award-winning film. It has never gone out of print.

    Lee stepped out of the limelight and stopped doing interviews years ago — and she never wrote another book. Still, her influence has far outlasted most writers of her generation.
