Saturday, August 21, 2010

I'm over at Hopeful Parents, trying to be hopeful

Please go on over and leave a comment -- and check out some of the other essays -- there's a lot of wonderful writing over at

Hopeful Parents.


  1. What a great site. My youngest grandson was born deaf, but through several surgeries he can now hear with the help of hearing aids and talks pretty good for a 3 year old thanks to speech therapy. Every mother who has a child with special needs should visit Hopeful Parents. It's a wonderful site. I'm going to tell my daughter about it. I'll be praying for your beautiful Sophie. Blessings!

  2. Elizabeth, please don't ever stop blogging.
    Because if you do I will have to double up on therapy sessions and that would be mathematically impossible.

  3. I popped over there and read your essay. It was very well written and expressed, and it makes me sad that Sophie has to be sick on top of everything else. Life is just so sad, sometimes.

    And sometimes it's hard (when "normal" life is not necessarily normal), to know the when/how/what of decisions, boundaries, expectations, hopes, and dreams.

    So we just take one step at a time. I am still praying. You rest.
