Saturday, April 16, 2011

The perfect poem for all the peeps

Reading this poem on The Writer's Almanac yesterday was a moment of perfect synchronicity (particularly after yesterday's post).  

 Success Story
My clothes are perfectly contoured
to my body. my shoes & socks
fit just right. My cat is a delightful
intelligent animal. My apartment
is great. The right location,
cheap rent. I eat the best food.
My friends love me. I adore them.
My lover is terrific & beautiful.
The sun is shining. There are trees
even in the slums in Washington.
I have tons of money & a gorgeous 
air conditioner. Great art hangs
on my wall. I live a spine-tingling life
of delirious sex & intense happiness.
 -- Terence Winch

The last sentence, in particular, made me nearly howl with laughter.


  1. So it was from you! Thank you for the smiles. xoxoxoxo

  2. oh, I missed this one.. thanks .

  3. You know, I read this one yesterday and it just tickled me to pieces too.
    I'm so glad you put it up here.

  4. Perfect! I love the way it juxtaposes against the post (and witch photo) just before it.

  5. hahahahahahaha!!! this describes my life SO perfectly.
