Monday, June 27, 2011

Why I Love Los Angeles, Reason #427

Street Art

-- photos taken by my friend D as we strolled around our neighborhood.


  1. I've always been fascinated by all of LAs random, anonymous street art. I love those ducks that hang off the power lines. And remember the Andre the Giant posters?

  2. You definitely have a very high-class level of graffiti there in LA. LOVE IT!

  3. Those are great! The only graffiti we have here is some dolt making "It is illegal to pick up hitchhikers" to "It is legal to pick up hitchhikers". We are a very unexciting people.

  4. So my youngest daughter is living in LaLa land (as I call it) since this past January. I have this weird fear of L.A. so I can't wait for her to come back to Northern CA...just the protective mommy in me.

  5. I love graffiti actually.
    In most settings, obviously, there are limits.

  6. I love it here, too--in so many ways. But do you remember when there were more flowers, less tagging, less trash, smaller potholes, and few pieces of wrecked cars left by the sides of the freeways?

  7. The sticker and stencil art remind me that we have not become robots, that subversive as a state of mind is a worthy goal and that guerrilla art has, at its heart, a generosity. And then there are the murals. I love LA.
