Wednesday, July 27, 2011

I know it's not simple,

but I'm wishing today that California Governor Jerry Brown hadn't vetoed adult day healthcare legislation. It sounds to me that once again, the elderly, the poor and the disabled are getting the shaft with only a weak argument from the old liberal himself.

Shame on you, Governor Brown.

Honestly? Can we keep the elderly and the disabled out of the budget? Or are we headed toward Depression times when the old, the infirm and the destitute were left in the streets to starve or perhaps caged in filthy, abusive institutions?

Shame on anyone who thinks the infirm and the disabled have to make sacrifices for our greater good.

For Robert Williams, 51, that combination of services has been invaluable. He moved across the country to care for his 81-year-old sister, Shirley, when Nolcox’s center alerted him that her memory had deteriorated to the point where she should not be living alone.
"She loves going to the daycare center," he said. "She has camaraderie, they keep her active, they exercise.... It gives her a reason to get up every day."
It took Williams nine months to find a job with a security company. Now he’s afraid he might have to quit if he can’t find another program for her.
"My sister is just one of thousands of people who need these services," he said. "And for them to be taken away is really a grave injustice.

Read the rest of the article HERE.


  1. In answer to you question, imo, yes we are headed toward those days before we became somewhat enlightened. I have watched Minnesota go from a progressive state to a repressive, mean place to be. If it can happen here, we are in trouble. It is going to take a revolution.

  2. The poor and the infirm usually get shafted. Over here Cameron and co have just sneakily introduced new "reforms" in our beloved NHS. It means that certain services are now open to competition. Terrible.

    Greetings from London.

  3. We can't let it go that far. I sincerely hope that our newfound discovery that loud, grassroots campaigns of email and phone calls and online petitions work will add fuel to the fire and help us protect those things that are important.

  4. I don't understand how politicians sleep comfortably in their beds at night.

  5. Also..

    I think it is simple. Governments need to stop spending money on things that are a total waste of money like sending people to the moon. How about taking one billion or so off the military budget? How about they start taxing large corporations like Wal-Mart. Maybe they themselves could live on smaller wages. Simple.

  6. Okay, don't even get me started...

    On to other more important things: Henry.Missed his day. Completely.Along with that amazing post and the pictures that melted my heart. All of them. Please pass on love and belated birthday wishes to the teenager. Knowing how very special he is, since I have had the pleasure of seeing and meeting him in the flesh.

    Love the bowling pictures.Would be a really fun thing for us to meet up and do.Wouldn't it?

  7. Listening to the news about the States trying to get their shit together with regards to debt and budget, I think that things are going to get even worse. Very quickly. Makes me shudder.
