Wednesday, July 27, 2011


I cooked for dinner:

Turkey cutlets breaded with parmesan and bread crumbs

our garden carrots and Swiss chard

my boys ate instead at the neighbors' house:

delivery pizza

I'm looking at right now:

the early evening light in my sons' bedroom

I should be doing:

luggage tag
The boys and I are leaving tomorrow morning for the annual "vacation" (for past experiences in HH, read HERE, HERE, and my all time favorite back in 2008, HERE) to Hilton Head. I'm not bringing Sophie this year and will be back, sans boys, on Monday.

I'll try to post, but just in case -- see you soon!


  1. Happy trails, safe journey and some fun!


  2. God bless, traveling mercies, and have a wonderful time!

  3. oh i feel the beauty wrapping you in familiar arms!
    enjoy each fleeting moment of jOY!

  4. Enjoy the break Elizabeth.

  5. I would have gladly come for dinner, it looks delicious! Enjoy the few days away, you have earned them.

  6. You are an amazing human being. Gifted writer, but your photography is simply breathtaking to me. You take the mundane and make it extraordinary, you take the extraordinary and make it magical, almost divine. I really love it, and I don't sling compliments, as you well know.

    I used to live an hour or so south from Hilton Head, in Savannah. For a few years. Too bad I still don't, I'd drive up for an Espresso and an introduction.

  7. Have a wonderful time! The boys are having an extended trip? They will love it!

  8. Journey mercies, Elizabeth. To all of you.

    We had store-roasted chicken with fresh English peas and raspberries warm off of the plant for dessert. :-)

  9. Hope you have a restful trip. xo

  10. Enjoy your vacation with your family and your boys.
