Thursday, September 8, 2011

Yes No

Sophie has been working with and playing with her iPad for nearly a year, now, and the going is rough and inconsistent, but there are times when it all bursts forth, when those neurons connect and don't spark or combust but rather hum with illumination. Yesterday was one of those days when Sophie got home from school and collapsed onto her bed, pulling her legs up under her Indian-style. Oliver lay across the foot of the bed with all his papers from his first day of school, chattering to me about what he did and what they were going to be doing. When he stopped talking for a moment I wondered aloud what Sophie's day might have been like and then got up to get her iPad to find out. Sometimes, when her aide remembers to, she'll record Sophie's "day" into the iPad so that Sophie can "tell" me. Yesterday, probably because of the chaos of the first day, she did not, so I went to the YES NO screen.

Basically, this is a screen with two boxes, one green and the other red, that say YES and NO. When you swipe or tap the YES, you hear yes, and when you swipe or tap the NO, you hear no.

Got it?

YES       NO

And can I tell you that we had a real conversation yesterday? It was a conversation that inspired Oliver to stop chattering, look over at us in utter amazement and yell, 

Sophie, you're on fire!

Here's a bit of it:

Me: Sophie, did you have a good day at school today?

Sophie: Yes

Me: Did you see your friends?

Sophie: Yes

Me: Was it hot today?

Sophie: Yes

Me: Is Henry in the room right now?

Sophie: No

This is when Oliver looked up.

Me: Is Oliver in the room right now?

Sophie: Yes

Me: Is Valentine a cat?

Sophie: No

Oliver is sitting up now, his eyes as round as saucers.

Me: Are you smart, Sophie?

Sophie: Yes 

Sophie, you're on fire!


  1. Wow, wow, WOW!!!! How unbelievably cool is that?!

    GO, SOPHIE, GO!!

  2. That made me laugh and cry. What beautiful and good things technology can do.
    Receptive language might get a little muddy, I think, when we are jabbering away doing more talking than listening.
    But yes, like Julia said. How cool is that!!!

  3. Big, big smile on my face!!


  4. There you go! How exciting!!!!!!!

  5. Wow, that bought a smile and tears to my eyes! Those are some powerful small words!

  6. That truly made me smile...and feel happy for Sophie!


    Think about how much is inside our kiddos that simply never gets conveyed!

    Thanks for sharing. Great image of you all lying there together. xo

  8. It's the 21st century version of Helen Keller at the water pump with Anne Sullivan! So cool.

  9. Oh my!! That is freakin' AWESOME!!

  10. Oh dear Elizabeth. I can't even imagine how this feels. But I think it must feel amazing.

  11. I am so exhilarated reading this! And I love what Oliver said. My thoughts exactly!

  12. She found a way out. Lovely.

  13. Are those freaking iPads awesome or what?? See why we are doing what we are doing??This, this conversation, this beautiful, amazing conversation is what Mission iPossible is all about!!

    Hoping one day, that me and the little love can do our own chit-chatting. I will wait for the day with bated breath.

    Needing that walk on the beach.Badly. Will be missing lunch. Sad about that but knowing that Miss Z might put a crimp in the mommy solo time for some.

    Which app do you have the yes ,no on?

  14. Absolutely FABULOUS! Way to go, Sophie!!

  15. This is so absolutely thrilling and wonderful. Hurrah for Sophie! And the iPad--a new world opens. I love it.

  16. this is bringing tears of joy to my eyes...

  17. oh, elizabeth, this is pure grace. thank you for sharing it.

  18. I am covered head-to-toe in goosebumps! How awesome is it that, just as I was writing my "communication" blog post, you were engaged in some ON FIRE communication with Sophie? I love that this is possible! This connection, this ability to express. I am so thrilled for Sophie. It must feel amazing to get her point across.

  19. Oh Elizabeth, that's the best poetry I've read in ages! Congratulations to all of you.

  20. This is the best thing I've read in weeks.


    Give her a hug or a kiss or something from me. She made my week.

    (You too.)


  21. burn, baby, burn. love.

  22. Wow .... That is beyond fire .... More like a bright burning hot star

  23. When I read this a few days ago, I was not able to comment, but I have been thinking of it ever since. I loved this post, and I am so grateful to you for writing it to share with us. I think of you guys often.

  24. just catching up after a crazy week. I love this post. I live this post. I love Oliver's reactions - all of them from paying attention to widening his eyes to shouting encouragement. That is the key. Its communication when someone ELSE gets it. Sophie is on fire and Oliver is too.

  25. What a poignant moment you've captured. Your boys sound like such adorable, compassionate young men. Oliver's sincere and tremendous joy for his sister is so touching.
