Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Light Breaking Through

Like Sally over at Maggie World, I'm going to do a little gratitude adjustment as this blog (and I) is practically sagging out of the computer screen in its angst and misery of late.

  1. I'm grateful for the southern California sunshine and the oranges and lemons that are dripping from the trees in my backyard.
  2. I'm grateful for Sophie, sleeping peacefully in her bed, even at this late hour.
  3. I'm grateful for my robust and beautiful sons and their brilliant ability to charm everyone and love life.
  4. I'm grateful for the charter school that my boys attend -- for its liberal and inclusive values, for the amazing teachers and exciting academic curriculum. I'm grateful that it's free.
  5. I'm grateful for The Husband who doggedly continues to work despite hideous setbacks.
  6. I'm grateful for the stack of unread books that I have piled beside my head: Anne Enright, Jeffrey Eugenides, Joan Didion, Donald Hall, Ann Patchett, etc.
  7. I'm grateful for my writing friends -- for Denise and Tanya -- for our upcoming Beer Monday Lunch.
  8. I'm grateful for my parents who are unsparing in their generosity.
  9. I'm grateful for Grass Valley, the mists of Avalon in my future. More on that in the future.


  1. I just posted something fb for you before I read this!

  2. Remember I was doing my gratitude posts each week? What the heck happened to me. Got to get back to that. I was writing 3 things down a day. No matter what the day was like and it really enabled me to see the beauty, even and most especially in those heavy moments. I am jumping back on that, today. thanks for inspiring me my friend.

  3. I'm all warm and fuzzy now.
    Thank YOU.

    and I am grateful to the powers that be that you have all the above.

  4. This made me smile. Thank you for sharing!

    Your Beer Monday Lunch sounds AWESOME!

    Hugs xo

  5. I'm grateful for you. Not original but true.

  6. Denny says it could always suck worse. I like your way better--shining light. Great post.

  7. Ah there is much in every day to be grateful for if we just open our arms and appreciate every day from sunrise all the way to sunset.

  8. There's something to say for gratitude, when it's genuine, as long as we don't become too much like PollyAnna.

  9. I love the feeling of warm blankets and candles this gives off, Elizabeth. I just love your spirit.

  10. i need to do this, again. it helps write it out. makes it more solid, somehow...
