Tuesday, November 1, 2011

When we opened the front door this morning, our pumpkins were lying smashed and stomped all over the lawn. Pieces were shoved into the mail slot and seeds lay mushed and strewn on the pathway. It might have been nearly funny if Sophie hadn't had a huge seizure at the breakfast table and we all weren't a bit queasy. I tried to laugh it off with the boys, claiming mischief, as we bent to clean up the mess, but my heart is heavy and anxious. I am resigned to doing the calls -- the doctor, the homeopath, the Lord have mercies -- Sophie is asleep in her bed, not so much resting as plunging into sleep by drug. Abide and ease -- these are the words that echo in my head, weak in their trails.


  1. take the day slow, dear elizabeth. get some sleep yourself if you can.

  2. Yes. Smashed pumpkins have no power to hurt you. I promise.
    Get rest to gird you for what can.

  3. I have read about a lot of more serious things even on your blog, and I know that Sophie's seizures and health are no where near the level of concern that smashed pumpkins should get,but I am damned upset about what happened. Give your boys a hug for me--for you too. Those were the most creative kid pumpkins I have seen, and I so enjoyed reading about them and seeing the pictures. I am very angry that some jerk would do something like that.

    I am so sorry, Elizabeth. You and the boys did a great job with those pumpkins and brought a smile to my face when I saw those pictures.

  4. I wish people wouldn't think it was fun to vandalize.
    I wish for Sophie ease and mercy, peace and rest - and I wish it for your entire family. HUGS from here.

  5. I am sorry and sad.
    Wishing peace and rest for you and Sophie this afternoon.
    Sending love.

  6. Dear Elizabeth,
    When my son was born with a life threatening disease, I found that I began to experience much less of a tolerance for maliciousness. I don't know why, it just leaves me feeling very sad and disappointed. I am so sorry your precious family was the recipient of such reckless ignorance. Please know that there is also much kindness in the world too as you and your beautiful family are loved by many.

  7. You tell your boys how much I loved seeing pictures of their works of art! No one can destroy your beautiful photographs, and through internet magic many, many people can see just what a cool job they did on their pumpkins this year.

    And big hugs to you and Sophie!!

  8. Sending you love this morning my friend, and prayers of peace and rest to Sophie's precious body.

  9. Today is Dia de los Angeloitos, right? One of those days when our ancestors believe the wall behind mortal and spirit becomes gossamer thin, and the souls of the departed can hear our prayers. Today I will meditate on sugar skulls and marigolds and if any helpful souls visit, I will send them your way.

  10. Love what Noan said, and agree with Catherine: I've never been bothered by a shattered pumpkin until this very moment. So sorry. Let's hope the pulp seeps into your lawn and grows lush and soft this spring.

  11. Prankster or vandals...I think your hoodlums went a bit far. Oh, and dear Sophie...I just want to gather you all up and give a hug...I do so via my words that the day progresses with calmness.

  12. Thinking of you tonite and hoping things have calmed down for Sophie..This is why good mothers take pictures.. they last forever.I am very sorry that your children had to see their art destroyed.

  13. I have had things ruined by vandals too before and something about it just makes me so sad. Maybe it is because it is something so simple and yet something so nasty happens.

  14. I'm sad for the boys - that was just mean

  15. forgive me for missing this.
    even though it's a without words thing,


  16. That is awful and obnoxious.
    I'm so sorry that Sophie is having so many huge seizures lately. Please give her a kiss from me.

  17. Seriously...some people have no life other than to hurt others. Saddest for them since they are the primary losers.
