Friday, January 6, 2012


Chink chink chink. I am sitting in the alley, car idling and reading a snippet of Stevens as a janitor carefully taps the glass of an old window. Complacencies of the peignoir from Saturday Morning, quoted by another, through glass I watch the man break glass. When the cars start up, I turn on the engine, the sound of flapping wings, dappled sun on bougainvillea, dead branches on cement, blue sky. 

Small Stone 6


  1. And you've taken me there with you through word and photo.

  2. Beautiful. And I particularly love, love, love that last sentence.

  3. I feel it.

    And I agree with Amy, that last sentence is especially splendid.

  4. Something about the word "bougainvillea" takes any sentence up a notch. You rock for having that on the tip of your tongue. Especially dappled in sun.

  5. These are really inspired. I have been reading them as one poem appearing day by day starting at the first. It works. I am excited to see where they (or your poem) takes you.
