Friday, January 6, 2012

The Marriage Plot, finished, and a Giveaway

So, I wrote about Jeffrey Eugenides' new novel The Marriage Plot, here. I was excited at first because I love his writing and had so looked forward to the book; the story of an English major at a university in the early eighties, in love with a genius man -- well, it resonated with me in more than one way. In any case, I liked the early chapters and then slowly    got    bored. The middle of the book was a slog, and that was when I wrote about it. I was advised to drop it by some -- there's no time for the slog, I thought, but I did continue, and I have to admit that it picked up considerably toward the end. Not enough for me to say that this is a great book, but it certainly turned out to be a decent read, and I even felt moved at the way things turned out.

Weirdly enough, a publicist from Macmillan Audio contacted me just the other day and asked whether I'd like to include a clip of the audio version of the book on my blog, alongside the review. She even offered a free audiobook to one of my loyal readers!

So, dear Loyal Readers! Listen to this clip and leave a comment here telling me whether you've read the book or not and whether you'd like to listen to the book or not. I will pick a winner randomly on Monday, January 9th.

Here's the CLIP


  1. Now THAT is a PR tactic I have never considered! Hmmm.

  2. I would listen to it, as I was an English major in the late 70s and likely a mentor to our heroine. And No. I have not read it.

  3. Which reminds me, fliers for my son's book arrived and they are BEAUTIFUL. But I wanted to write that I am in the middle almost exactly of The Marriage Plot and I have stopped reading the past few days which is NOT a good sign. You have given me the will to go on which I would have done anyway since I am already halfway through and once I make it that far into a book it feels like sacrilege to not continue.

    WV: ingrat : my mother used to call me this

  4. ps. I won't listen to your piece until I've finished. Looking more forward to your piece on the book than the actual book though.

  5. Haven't read the book. After listening...wouldn't mind hearing it. Intrigued.

  6. oh wow, I loved Middlesex, and I was talking about it last night to a friend who hadn't read it...

    I'd love to 'hear' his next one!

  7. I'll listen to anything on audio. Almost. So yes, I want to be part of this contest. Indeed!
