Monday, January 9, 2012

Let me refer you to

  • something that might make you throw up a little but perhaps also be re-activated to do something

  • something to make you feel better:

  • the two back to back articles in the January 2nd New Yorker (disregard the hideous cartoon of Newt on the front in diapers or even rip the cover off) titled The Jersey Game by Ben McGrath and No Remorse by Rachel Aviv. The first is about a high school football team in New Jersey, and while I despise football, I couldn't put this down. The second is a powerful article about a young teenager who shot his grandfather, was tried as an adult and given life in prison.

  • the fourth season of Breaking Bad, which I caved and bought the other day for $20.00 because I couldn't wait for it to be free on Netflix. I stayed up until 2:45 am watching it, and I have ONE MORE EPISODE TO GO.


  1. You got me watching Breaking Bad now! I am on episode 3 of season 1. It doesn't help that netflix streams very nicely on my kindle fire! (no google gods, this is NOT spam.) thanks for the recommendation. i thought, if elizabeth loves this show, it must be good. and it is!

  2. Oh yeah, I told my one and only that I am tired of recycling the piles of magazines that come and come and come. Everything is now iPad except of course for the New Yorker and Veranda. I am not renewing anything that cannot go into the iPad. If they decide later to do so, I will. Vanity Fair and the rest can live together in the ether until I call and TNY now goes to the Hospital after six or seven issues for the
    delight of those who read it.

    wv: aphskies (as in apps?)

  3. What a great post full of great links! I skipped my WWF smoking break to look around. I LOVE Downton Abbey but since it comes on at 9 p.m. I have to watch it in bed with my eyelids propped open with toothpicks. And Rick Santorum, what a joke. Literally, just waiting for the punch line.

  4. Terrific links! I haven't read those two articles in the NY'er yet but I talked about another article in the Dec. 19-26 issue. I'm behind. I'll read those too.
    NASA. Whoa.
    Be Good Tanya's. Now if my Jessie had not wanted to go into something as practical as nursing (why, WHY?) she and her friends Melanie and Stephanie could be as famous as they are! I swear to you.
    Also- love the Moon-To-Moon picture.
    Also- love YOU!

  5. I do have those New Yorker articles ahead of me, so I'll watch for them. (I'm still on the Christmas issue. It's hard to stay current with The New Yorker, the freakin' thing arrives in the mail so often!)

    I have never watched Breaking Bad! Good to know it's worthwhile. I think we can stream Netflix here in the UK now, so maybe I'll re-up.

    Meanwhile, Dave and I are considering buying a DVD collection of "Police Squad!" which illustrates our deplorably juvenile sense of humor. :)

  6. hurrah for downton abbey!!!

    (and wild cosmic photos)

  7. Throw up A LITTLE? I'd like to find out where Santorum's next appearance will be so that I can go vomit on him in person.

    How dare he. I am livid.

  8. I read a lot of blogs. I'm absorbed and enamored with yours. I can't put my finger on it. It's weird to say i feel as though you are a kindred spirit. The Be Good Tanyas have been singing my soul since I discovered them a number of years ago. I never tire of them. Thank you for sharing. I feel enriched by so many of your posts. You are wonderful.
