Sunday, January 8, 2012

Your long hair

This is the view at the curve of your street and when I jumped out of the car and snapped it, I wondered if you noticed it at all having lived here for so long. In the same moment I knew that you did having just exclaimed over a raspberry red fruit hanging low from a tree. You reached up and plucked it off, gave me a taste and then I exclaimed over your long brown hair.

Small Stone 8


  1. From a mutual friend of yours and mine:

  2. Beautiful! What a way to start a new year!

  3. i stand in awe of your gift with words. do you know this?

    (such a peaceful image, too...)

  4. you are living in the moment and capturing it with words - beautiful

  5. I love that you're keeping this up. Thanks for giving us a look through your eyes.
