Saturday, March 31, 2012

Right before our West Wing tour


  1. Have fun! Great to see you today!

  2. What a couple of handsome young men!
    I know you must have noticed that at least one of them is taller than you, but seriously, what a treat for all of you to be there. I am so thankful you got away with them for this trip.

  3. Glad you're having fun. You now, I've been to Washington at least 25 times, and I never went to the White House. What's up with that?

  4. You are leaving no stone unturned and I love that! However, you're going to need a vacation when you get home from your vacation in order to rest up from your vacation.
    This is probably why I don't travel very much. I would be expected to DO things. Most of which would require bras.
    I kneel in wonder, as always, at your feet.

  5. Steve: We got a private tour because my friend works in Obama's office!

    Ms. Moon: You are exactly right. I need a vacation after my sons' vacation.

  6. What a beautiful photo of you guys! :)
