Wednesday, March 21, 2012

A Silent Thanks

This morning, I read the usual abysmal reports and commentary, the obscene amounts of money being spent on the presidential race (both sides), the proposed budget of the Republicans which, as far as I can tell by my middling mind, furthers the grotesque inequalities between extremely rich and everyone else, and the plight of the disabled and elderly as the help they've received is further whittled away. I also visited a conservative blog in my half-hearted attempt to broaden my views. One of the commenters used the word libtard -- yeah, that's right. Libtard. If you have any illusions or delusions that these are good people, those who we must work with to find commonality as Americans, well, I beg to differ.

Then I saw this:

If you are a hearing person, you can read what this young man is saying, here.


  1. Thanks for sharing this. I'm as elated as the two students!! It gives me hope that the president is a caring enough individual to know some sign language.
    It inspires me to think about learning sign language myself.


  2. That has just rocked my world! Thank you for sharing.

  3. I've been on a similar path of internal rage against the machine: PAC spending on bullying people, CEO salaries, Wall Street, Churches and their hoards of treasures, art, gold, etc, fundamental pastors with 16 Rolls Royces preaching god wants everyone to be rich ... and people die because these machines hoard. It's like our world has lost its moral compass, a belligerent ego centrism, bordering on sociopathology. Sorry, it's my state of mind...

  4. "He was just a humble man."

    I believe for all his power, he is that. This is lovely. Thanks for sharing.

  5. "libtard?" REEEEAlly? That is unbelievable. great video!

  6. "libtard?" REEEEAlly? That is unbelievable. great video!

  7. Libtard? I don't even know what to say.

  8. I love him. Obama. Our president. Yes.

  9. Your timing, as usual, is excellent. I was feeling slightly smug because not this very afternoon I reminded our SLP of the sign for grapes. BWAAHAHAHAH. I couldn't even guess and had to click over. Clearly my toddler-level ASL isn't cutting it.

  10. I am afraid that we are looking at President Romney for the next 4 years. Even my die hard Democrat friend cannot take Obama debacles any more. Veterans are so furious that they are not voting for Obama again. I live in a state that will probably stay blue, but I don't see another term for him, or hope for Obama care.

  11. Can you imagine how proud that person was the moment he thought of the word "libtard" and how he grinned and stomped his feet as he typed it in? Not knowing he was stomping on his own humanity. Just winning a point. Just being right in that awful way that kills us.

  12. I think "libtard" is a Limbaugh-ism, unless I'm mistaken. It's been around for years, which makes it no less appalling.

    Great video. Obama continues to surprise and inspire, in a way that George W. Bush never would!
