Thursday, May 17, 2012

Careening Around

I felt like slamming my foot on the accelerator today, go out blazing, twisted metal flying and all the years of gun-slinging, standing solid against a sea of arrows, to hell with the drama, the manufactured drama when real drama is held like a crystal ball in my palm, shimmering beautiful, so that's the way it will all turn out. When Oliver got into the car after school, the metal twisted further so he grabbed three licorice I said only three and a plastic straw and he chewed that straw all the way home his fists pumping Mom you look like one of those movie stars with those glasses.


  1. Oliver seems like the best antidote for a day like today!

  2. Because you were immersed in the drama of all of that which is your life. I bet you are gorgeous when you are fierce.

  3. Thelma and Louise, I am telling you my friend.

    And that Oliver, well, I sure could have used a comment like that today. But I sure am glad he came through for his beautiful mom when she needed it.

  4. Fierceness seems to run in cycles. I've been feeling fierce lately too and posting fierce and dancing fierce and laughing fierce, well that came after the crying fierce.

    I agree with MM, I think you are probably quite beautiful when you are fierce.

  5. real drama held like a crystal ball in your palm...oh, so beautiful and true. not everyone can hold drama with such shimmering grace.

    and that oliver. love that kid.

  6. I hope there were no pedestrians in front of you! :)

  7. I understand this and again the word "brilliant" comes to mind. You have such an exquisite way of expressing yourself. Your little boy is adorable and perceptive.

  8. Being seen through the eyes of a young son is beautiful. Enjoy!


  9. I've been angry this week, too. As always, your writing packs a powerful one-two punch: the sweetness and the sorrow.

  10. It is those days when it is dangerous to get behind the wheel, but the imagining of what it would feel like to crush the accelerator to the ground is so alluring.

    Happy weekend (almost).
