Sunday, May 13, 2012

Eggs Benedict and a Snippet of a Poem

For me, that's what makes for a perfect Mother's Day -- in my robe, in my kitchen, with a glass of orange juice and Prosecco. And a snippet of a poem --

Happy Mother's Day from me to you.

It's like watching your mother sleep,
minutes after you have been conceived.

and her closed eyes say it's all right
to wake alone...

-- from Harbor Lights by Mark Doty


  1. Perfect! Happy mother's day dear Elizabeth!!!

  2. Absolutely beautiful: the photo, your words and the tasty snippet of poem. Happy mother's day, E.

  3. A sincere and happy Mother's Day to you!

  4. Yum. Eggs Benny, berries, mimosas, nasturtiums and a poem. Forking scrumptious. You know what's UP! Cheers to ya.

  5. What a gorgeous breakfast, and an equally gorgeous snippet :)

  6. beautiful and prosecco is my favorite!

    happy mothers day elizabeth.


  7. Oh good heavens to mergatroid. Don't you always find the best words? How do you do it? Did you know that I always think of you when I read lovely prose? I think to myself, "Now Elizabeth would surely appreciate this." I surely do.

    Happy Mother's day to one of the blogging greats and momma greats.

  8. So glad you had a glorious start to your day. I hope the rest of the day went off in total style. Happy Mother's Day, Elizabeth!

  9. Elizabeth -- I don't know you but in reading your blog I can tell you are one of those mothers that should have her very own crown. Happy Mother's Day to you!

  10. Happy Mother's Day, darling.
    One of my verification words is "yourfan."
    Quite, quite true.
    The other is "centrd."
    We try.

  11. Happy Mother's Day to you, Elizabeth!

  12. be still me heart. to write a lifetime of believing in two sentences. humbling.

    i discovered a poem by mary oliver i had never read before. i had to post it, its too powerful not to share.

  13. happy mothers day to you, one of the world's best mommas :)
