Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Thank You Vincent Van Gogh

A dear artist friend sent me this charcoal drawing of Vincent Van Gogh's Woman with a Child on Her Lap. I am imagining that the artist painted it for me. I'm imagining that after he had one of his own epileptic seizures, Van Gogh might have envisioned a time a century later where a woman with dark hair and large hands would hold her graceful daughter with imploring eyes in her arms after the girl's body had been wracked with jerks, when lights had flashed and color faded to sepia.


  1. In every regard, he made this for you and Sophie. He so captured the love.

  2. Amazing. Though you are far more lovely than Vincent's lady.

  3. Isn't it amazing that his artwork can still touch you so deeply more than a century later on the other side of the planet? Mind-boggling. It is a wonderful drawing, though.

  4. Yes. So much yes.

    A twitter follower just gave me your link. I'm about to read through, as my baby twitches and seizes and I hold her.

  5. Whoa, I love it.

    And I agree with Gretchen: you are a hottie.

  6. this drawing reminds me so very much of the German artist Kathe Kollwitz (WWII); she has some heartbreakingly beautiful drawings of mother and child. Check her out. A lot of her work is pretty raw and agonizing, but also powerful and glorious.

  7. a week away from blogging and i miss so much here. this is beautiful and profound.
