Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Expressing Motherhood at the Banshee Theater in Burbank

Well, today I rehearsed with twelve other women for this weekend's upcoming Expressing Motherhood show, and it promises to be moving, hilarious, profane and sweet. I hope that if you live in the area, you'll go to the website and buy tickets. The show itself is a blast, but there are plenty of great places to eat in the Burbank neighborhood, so grab some of your friends and make it a night out! There will also be wonderful gift certificates and raffle prizes -- rumor has it that on the last Sunday there will be lots and lots of chocolate. Wine is available at the theater -- I'm debating whether to have a glass or not before I "go on." As for that -- well, yes, I'm terribly nervous. I'm second-guessing what I'll be reading; when I rehearsed today, it was too long, so I'm going to have to cut it down, and even though I know I have to, I hate to do so. I also don't know what I'm going to wear, whether the stage lights will make me look washed out and fat, whether my piece (which is sort of a fluff piece, frankly) will be funny -- you get the gist. Knowing that some of ya'll are out there, though, will be helpful, so if you decide to come, please drop me an email (elsophie AT gmail DOT com).

Buy tickets HERE.


  1. I so wish I could be there. Please do wear some dramatic eye make-up. You have such beautiful eyes. And don't worry. You wouldn't be part of this unless you certainly deserved to be.
    I will be with you in spirit, Elizabeth. You know that.

  2. Can't wait. I will check your makeup beforehand and make you put on lips and eyes if you don't have enough, per Mrs. Moon ^^^

  3. I sooooo wish I could be there. You will be brilliant. Break a leg.

  4. Cannot wait. Going to be a great time. I suck at make-up so I'll leave that to Lisa but wine, I can get you wine. That I am good at.

  5. Definitely go for the glass of wine. I always do or try to do so before readings. NEVER before concerts because I don't get nervous for them and there's that whole I need my body to do this thing but for readings YES>
    you will kick some serious ass.

  6. Have a fantastic time! I wish I could be there, but I'll be there in spirit (and I'm sending my cousin). I'm with Radish King - have a glass of wine before. It will add some color to your cheeks as well as relaxing you.

  7. Break a leg, as they say! What are you reading?

  8. break a leg! wish i could see it but it would be a loooong flight :)

  9. i wish i lived closer to you. wish i could be there, but i know you'll be wonderful.

  10. You'll be spectacular. And you will look spectacular because you are beautiful. We'll try to make it. I wanna see you on that stage so bad.

  11. Yet one more reason to miss LA!
    You will be awesome & own the night.

  12. Wish I could attend this - have a wonderful time, and "break a leg!"

  13. Knock 'em dead, I know you will do great!
