Wednesday, September 26, 2012

The Hole in the Ceiling

Today is Yom Kippur, the holy day of atonement. I've always thought it a powerful holiday despite not being Jewish. My kids were all home from school, though, and things were far from sober around here. The boys wanted to go upstairs and rummage around our attic which is only reachable by climbing a ladder and then hoisting oneself through a hole in the Barbie bathroom ceiling. I, personally, have never been up there, but I got into the spirit of things by asking Henry to bring me a giant box of photo albums, high school yearbooks and sundry items that I've stored for many, many years.

The photo is a bit blurry, but this is what my bed looks like as I go through it all. When Oliver saw all the photos of me as a teenager and college student, he told me that I looked amazing. He also asked me, What happened to you? I promptly pushed him up the ladder and hoisted him through the hole in the ceiling where I'm having him stay until he's almost fifty years old.


  1. I hope you will at least send him up a meal once a day. Bless his heart. You were gorgeous/you are gorgeous.

  2. You still showed mercy by not pointing out to Oliver that HE is what happened to you.

  3. that's what I was going to say (what Vesuvius said)
    I look at my beautiful daughters and know I gave anything beautiful I had to them -

  4. I want to see the pictures! Fingers crossed you'll post some.

  5. You should have told him, "Go look in the mirror you little wretch!"
    No. I like your solution better.

  6. What Vesusius and Kimmie said :)

  7. Good plan. I'm laughing really hard right now.

  8. What Noan and Vesuvius and Kimmie said.
    And you are ravishing now...just not in a high-school way, which is appropriate. I love your humor about his comment.

  9. Oh, if only that were a punishment for a young boy. I suspect if he did have to stay up there, he would concoct amazing things from old wiring and dust bunnies and insulation material and spend his days reveling in the fact that Henry was at school and he wasn't.

    I am, more than anything, in awe of your courage to spend time and energy sorting through those things. Just looking at it makes me tired.

  10. LOL - you STILL look amazing girl! My 8 year old calls me an "old freckly lady" all the time... i should stick her in the attic too LOL!

  11. Ha ha! about Oliver's completely curious comment. Lately I ask MYSELF that question!!! :) You look awesome!
