Thursday, October 4, 2012

Decorative Gourd Season

I don't remember who sent me this McSweeney's essay, but when my little sister Jennifer reminded me of it today, I laughed so hard that I cried.

Be forewarned: there's an awful lot of cursing in it, particularly the "f" word.


  1. i laughed so hard! and i love autumn and gourds! This is just one of those "blow it all to hell" deals wherein the writer is up to HERE with the seasonal festivities. I can relate.

  2. Ohmygod. I HAVE A NEW IDOL! Thank-you, love. Damn. I am so inspired. And not by gourds.

  3. Ok, thank you. That was an awesome McSweeney's essay :)

  4. That rocked! Screw the changing leaves - I've got to get me some gourds.

  5. Oh, Elizabeth! Thank you for this! I walked past the pumpkinds and gourds and autumn napkins, etc. recently in the store and felt like a sub-par mom/wife for not having any fall decorations up. Ha!

    Carrie T.
